017: Goals are lost without Accountability

In this week’s episode, Kiera Dent is joined by Dr. Summer Kassmel. Summer’s expertise on leadership and practice ownership make her a wonderful guest host as Kiera and her dive into ACCOUNTABILITY MEETINGS. Every dental office needs meetings where team members come together regularly in order to:

  • Set goals for the upcoming weeks
  • Track their goals efficiently
  • Report their results

By implementing weekly accountability meetings, team members are essentially asked to evaluate their own KPIs while intentionally pushing themselves to set new goals. This not only improves office morale, but will raise the standard of care in the office.

Dr. Summer Kassmel is the owner of two dental practices and a dental assisting school in the mountains of Colorado. She is also a black belt coach in Dr. Mark Costes’ Dental Success Institute. Maintaining a consistent level of growth, reducing overhead to under 50%, increasing true profitability to over 20% and creating a system-driven practice are some of the requirements of this distinction. Through this opportunity, she can speak with so many dentists about the real struggles of practice acquisition and ownership.




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