023: Dental Assistants- Let's LEVEL UP

Kiera and Mark are back together again for an episode dedicated to DENTAL ASSISTANTS! Do you ever wonder what you can do as a dental assistant to improve in meeting your dentist’s expectations? Kiera and Mark discuss multiple ways to not only strengthen communication with the dentist, but also to adapt and calibrate his/her language.

Items discussed on this podcast include:

  • Build rapport with patients
  • Know preferred instrumentation setup by your dentists
  • Practice proper handling and posture
  • Ask dentist for feedback
  • Be proactive
  • Make a checklist of 8-9 things that your dentists must have for each specific procedure
  • Role play with your dentist

By following the above strategies, you will see procedures run smoother and camaraderie grow. Welcome to the Dental A-Team! Let's LEVEL UP!

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