057: Digging for Gold (Car Cast!)

Kiera recently befriended an international-dentist-turned-American-dental-assistant, and asked her one question: What was her secret to being happy? The answer? Just be happy. As author Ryan Holiday puts it in his book The Obstacle is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph, look for the gold underneath your obstacles.

Here’s a nugget of gold Kiera dug up for you: Dental assistants, an example of how you might be more efficient is utilizing downtime during a patient’s exam. That means starting your dental note while getting your patient’s blood pressure. Worry about pop-ups later, fine tune your note later; just get the beginning done.

To hear more helpful tips, listen to this quick Car Cast or find more information about the podcast at www.TheDentalATeam.com.   




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