064: Multi-Tasking is a Lie

Does running a mile relate to running a business? It sure does! In this solo episode, Kiera gives tips on effectively managing your time, whether you’re a doctor or a team member. Spoiler alert: That means NOT whipping through emails and half-heartedly answering questions.

Doctors, stop wasting time in your office! Team members, look for ways to be more efficient! The best offices run on teamwork, and that’s the love Kiera’s spreading in this episode. Some of her tips include:

  • Doctors staying on the floor and not in their offices (except lunch time and end of day)
  • Creating a desk staging area next to operatories for downtime
  • Setting time aside for administrative work

Those are the highlights, now listen to this quick episode for the reasons behind them!

Want to learn more? Head on over to www.TheDentalATeam.com. 




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