082: Working Moms, Here’s Your Reality

Presenting the newest star of the Dental A-Team Podcast … it’s Brodie! Brodie is Tiffanie Trader’s almost-11-year-old son. And Tiffanie is one of the movers and shakers of Kiera’s Dental Consulting business! In this episode, the three sit down to talk “mom guilt” from different angles — as a mom (Tiffanie), as a kid (Brodie), and as a future mom (Kiera). Working moms often worry over what their kids think about them being gone all the time. Tiffanie and Brodie have been through a couple different work positions, and they’ve come out with interesting perspectives. The biggest: Stop stressing!

This episode is a great look-see into your kids’ lives. Tune in now!

More episodes with Tiffanie are found at www.TheDentalATeam.com!




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