085: First Ever Autopsy Practice

Kiera dons her scrubs and scalpel for this episode, diving into the first Dental A-Team autopsy of a practice! She discusses five concerns from one of the ELITE practices she visits—we’re talking TOP OF THE TOP PRACTICES.

Some background on the practice: Six operatories, three hygienists, three office admin, and two doctors; staff works 6 a.m. to 3 or 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Kiera visits this office quarterly, and at the most recent meeting, the office discussed and came up with solutions for five concerns:

  1. Not enough room for new patients
  2. Two doctors, three hygienists — lots of moving parts
  3. Training dental assistants in high-turnover area
  4. No one’s doing sleep apnea
  5. Same-day cancellations

Any of these sound familiar? Listen up! Kiera shares what this office saw as solutions, as well as what other right answers might be. Interested in providing your own feedback about these autopsy offices? Kiera’s looking for penpals! Email your ideas to [email protected].  




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