087: Case Study: Untangling the Ball of Yarn

Kiera decided to “walk through an office” and do live recordings at different intervals with Ashley Keith and her office in Kansas City! THIS WILL BE A SERIES OF EPISODES and YOU get to walk through the struggles, ideas, and outcomes with Kiera and Ashley!

In this first episode, Kiera and Ashley focus on the front office, discussing how to combat the “Whack-a-Mole” or tangled ball of yarn approach to front office work (putting out fires as they ignite). Ashley recently moved offices, and learned the importance of having processes in place for each position — information was getting lost, people didn’t know what they were working on, and an entire new patient flow had to be figured out. But we’re not going to spoil the whole episode for you; listen yourself and keep an ear out for how to unwind the ball of yarn.

The quick and dirty: Build processes around your positions, not people.

Ashley Keith works as office manager for Keith + Associates Dentistry in the Kansas City Metro Area. Prior to her current position, she received a degree in marketing from Texas Christian University and worked in healthcare IT sales for 10 years. Outside of expertly managing her office, Ashley enjoys spending time outside, being with family and friends, and attending any and all local sports.

As always, more awesome information is available at www.TheDentalATeam.com




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