096: Do You Dominate Your Down-Time Or Does It Dominate YOU?

Everybody has them — those 30 minutes or 60 minutes here and there where things are sloooooow. What is your dental practice supposed to do during September (or Suck-tember) when it’s the slowest time of the year for practices across the nation? Well, how ‘bout a go-to to-do list on your phone or in the back office of all the things you’d like to tackle during the slow days?

Kiera’s here with a bunch of great ideas, including:

  • Role play (new patient phone calls, cancellations, perfect hand-offs, etc.)
  • Flipping rooms relay races
  • Note-taking contests
  • Phone call challenge, and much, much more!

There’s always a place for productivity. Take these tips and figure out ways to impact your business for the better, even during down-time.

For more tips and episodes with Kiera, visit www.TheDentalATeam.com 




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