097: Personal Assistants Make Your Life Easier, Really, Really-- Diving Deeper Into This Topic

Okay, you’ve listened to episode 69, Time Suck? Time Suck? Let’s Talk Personal Assistants, and you now know you want/need a personal assistant. But what do you actually have them do now that they’re there!? We had a DAT listener reach out and ask that we dive EVEN DEEPER on this topic. You asked and Kiera delivers.

Kiera has a ~ton~ of ideas on the possibilities for a personal assistant:

  • Travel. Booking flights, hotels, rental cars.
  • Create. New patient forms. Doctor forms. Even your operations manual — have them do the legwork you don’t have time to do.
  • Check-off. Even menial tasks like setting hair appointments, massage appointments, doctor appointments. Heck, even getting your car detailed.
  • So much more. Listen to this episode for a full list of ideas!

Remember, personal assistants are there to make your life easier, so LET THEM. Kiera’s biggest advice: Meet every Monday with your assistant, list out what you need done for the week (prioritize!) and set a deadline for Friday. Then, when these little tasks are passed on, focus on big projects that only you can do. Bada bing, bada boom!

P.S. Doctors, thank you for reaching out with your episode requests! Keep ‘em coming. Email your ideas to [email protected].




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