099: Be Aggressive, B-E Aggressive- Credit Cards on File for AR

Today’s tactical practical is going to help tackle the billing beast that so often looms over your shoulder. That’s right, Kiera’s talking collections and getting credit cards on file!

Airlines do it. Hotels do it. Spas do it. Why not dentists? It’s 2019, and it’s time to keep your patients’ cards on file. Feel weird about it? Kiera shares what one of her practices is doing, and it’s so not weird. Other tips and tricks mentioned in this episode:

Run your AR (aging report) constantly, ideally every single week.

Run procedures not attached to claims, pending claims, and your claims history report. Keep an eye out for rejected claims and make sure you’re not losing money for silly reasons.

Again, get credit cards on file! Have a form on file and perfect that post-visit request to keep the patient’s card information.

Get an online payment portal! One reason people don’t pay on time is they’re busy during the hours your office is working. Work with your website administrator to get a secure online payment option up.

Find the simple solutions that create a huge difference in order to minimize the AR that could be feeding your bank account.  Head over to www.TheDentalATeam.com for more inspiration.




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