106: How to Win at Life

This inspirational episode is one you’ll want to have on repeat. Kiera teams up with Cheryl Cornelius out of San Antonio, Texas to talk about peeling away the barriers in your life. Cheryl and her husband paid off ~$830,000 debt (while parenting 8 children!!) by focusing in on what kind of life they wanted. Now, they enjoy an empowered life and Cheryl often shares their experience with dental students and dental graduates around the country.

Both Kiera and Cheryl encourage putting one foot in front of the other and climbing your mountain. What is your barrier — debt? Patients? Your business? Personal concerns? Something else? Take time today, 5 minutes even, and write down three things you want to change, and steps you can take to make that change.

Does that include becoming part of The Dental A-Team? Good. Start today at www.TheDentalATeam.com.




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