121: Paying off Student Loans? Here’s What Not To Do

Financial advisor Ryan Isaac is here again to talk dollar signs, and this time he’s addressing the most common question he gets from new dental graduates, those in ownership for one to three years, and associates: How do I pay off my student loans?

His advice: Wait. Sure, make your minimum payments and all that jazz, but the *main* thing you should be focusing on right now is your career. Invest in your career now and you’ll grow your practice faster, thus having more money to pay off loans later.

Ryan shares experiences of seeing people attack debt like crazy right after school is done, and they’re still living like poor students decades later. Take advantage of free resources (ahem, like The Dental A-Team and the Dentist Money Show) to understand processes now, and how to best implement them later when your practice is thriving. This is a great episode with a TON of gold.

Ryan is a co-host of the Dentist Money Show and a senior financial advisor with the Dentist Advisors (www.dentistadvisors.com). Check out his previous episode with Kiera, #53, at www.TheDentalATeam.com.




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