132: Keep Your Hunger Alive- Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Kiera shares some inspiration on a drive to the airport, talking about how to combat comparison with others who are further down their path of success in life. People are often impressed with Kiera’s prowess and like to ask her how she’s made it so far. Her favorite traits had to do with it — her constant hunger and resourcefulness. To all you listeners, she shares some of her tips to move forward:

  • Be hungry for the next level; don’t be satisfied with where you are
  • Proximity is power; be around people who inspire you and make you want to be better
  • Say yes as often as possible
  • Don’t get stuck in the tyranny of how

Need even more inspiration? You’re welcome to reach out to Kiera to pick her brain. It’s those types of choices that move you forward! Start today by emailing [email protected].

Plus, this episode holds a sneak peek for exciting plans in 2020!




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