144: The 3-Month Shakeout (Mergers & Acquisitions)

Kiera sits down with Debbie Dodson, practice director for Castle Peak Dentistry with Dr. Summer Kassmel, to talk about dental office mergers! Debbie has been involved with two mergers in the past couple of years, and she discusses tricks of the trade. The BIGGEST thing you can do is to be patient with the transition. From her experience, Kiera says planning and remembering every little thing to educate, remember, and reorganize usually takes about three months to settle — hence the 3-month shakeout. But there are tangible tips in the meantime:

  1. Prep software in advance
  2. Re-hire merging team members, help them to understand your practice’s core values
  3. Build a 30/60/90-day checklist of what to expect when merging
  4. Honor new team members’ commitments to patients

Debbie and Kiera’s conversation also inspired some work to be done over at The Dental A-Team. Stay tuned in for a future merger checklist at www.TheDentalATeam.com!




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