148: Step by Step to Having Uncomfortable Conversations

No one likes to have awkward, hard conversations, right?! Wrong! Kiera does! And in this episode, she walks you through five steps for having those discussions with your team members. Her most recent example is from an awesome office that’s struggling with morale (think backbiting and gossiping). The doctor made the fatal mistake of giving empowerment without accountability, which led to entitlement.
To be a part of an effective team, you musn’t people-please! It’s time to say what needs to be said. Here are Kiera’s tips to do just that:

  1. Set the intention of how you want the conversation to go beforehand.
  2. Say all the things holding you back from having this uncomfortable conversation. (Example: “I don’t want you to think you’re a bad employee, I just want to have a simple conversation.”)
  3. Spend 10 seconds identifying the problem, then 10 minutes coming up with solutions.
  4. Have the person recap what they heard to make sure your words landed correctly. Hint: Incorporate active listening!
  5. Thank the person for being willing to speak with you.

Oh, and what if you’re on the receiving end of an uncomfortable conversation? Say thank you! By saying thank you immediately, it shifts your mind to become more receptive to feedback.

If you’re interested in receiving a step-by-step guide to having uncomfortable conversations, please email [email protected]!




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