150: A Weak Link with an Easy Fix

In this follow-up episode to #147, Kiera’s journey to find a physical therapist continues. After calling three more offices after the first failure, she’s realized that even though your business/practice might be the best one ever, people will never know if your gatekeeper — AKA the person answering your phone — isn’t reflective of that.

To those answer phones, are you representing your office? Do you know what questions people have? Do you know what your office does?

Listen in for practical tips to having the best gatekeeper for your practice!


  • Make sure the personality of main phone answerer is true representation of the practice that you have or want to have.
  • Make sure they know what your practice actually offers; have information on hand.
  • Make sure they listen to understand, not listen to respond.
  • Have incredible follow-through/integrity

For more tips for schedulers, call the Dental A Team and ask them 775-303-5833!




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