153: It’s Not Work That’s Stressful, It’s Your Boundaries

153: It’s Not Work That’s Stressful, It’s Your Boundaries

Stress!!! It’s the worst, right? In this podcast episode, Kiera talks with the Dental A Team’s traveling coach, Tiffanie Trader, about managing stress. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in work life, especially when your workload spills over into personal time. Sure, you’re trying to set boundaries of when and when not to commit to answering emails and putting out fires, but your boss keeps sending you emails at 9 p.m. and you can’t NOT answer, right?!

WRONG. Tiffanie and Kiera walk you through this false mindset we as humans have created. If you don’t manage your life, someone else will do it for you. Tiffanie offers three tips:

  1. Recognize your personal responsibility. What can you do to release your stress?

  2. Identify 3 things (and 3 things only!) per day you intend to complete; everything else is gravy

  3. Set correct expectations with people (as well as yourself)


Kiera adds her own cherry on top by challenging each and every listener to clean up a boundary today. Need a little hand-holding to get your office set in the proper ways and boundaries? Give The Dental A-Team a holler over at www.TheDentalATeam.com





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