299: Attack of the Assistants

If you had 100 extra hours of time each year, what would you do? Well, we have an idea of how to get you more freedom: hiring an assistant! Don’t believe us? Start by time journaling out your life and then figuring out where you could use a helping hand.

Personal assistant: Takes care of the personal things — grocery shopping, picking up dry cleaning, housekeeping, etc.

Administrative assistant: Helps with smaller task business items like responding to emails, creating forms for the practice, running errands

Executive assistant: Moves the practice forward. This person is a high-level thinker who can work autonomously while looking at the direction and focus of the business. (Could be your operations manager, but does not have to be.)

Kiera explains the pay range for each; where to find the good ones; and how the Dental A-Team can help! Psst, we can send you the most recent assistant ads we’ve placed — email us at [email protected]

At the end of the day, it’s not going to hurt to hire an assistant.



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