Yes, it’s time to reflect, but it’s also time to blast off into the new year! Kiera walks through the steps to take to prep your 2021 goals. Here’s what you need to do:
Look back at your 2020 goals — did you hit them? Did you not? Why?
Set new (personal and professional) goals and know why you want to meet them.
Break down your new goals into a roadmap or benchmarks to meet your marks by the end of the dear.
Whatever age you’re turning, come up with that amount of fun goals!
Break up your practice’s departments, t-graph them up, and divvy up what each department is doing well and what they can improve on.
Choose one or two things per department to help your practice reach its professional goal and pick action items to meet the goals.
Decide: What’s your word for 2021?
Keep these goals in a place where you’ll see them often. Actually print them out and keep them in your agenda or journal or on your mirror. Their presence will keep you honest through the year.
Happy New Year’s Eve!
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