331: A Dental ROBOT in the Practice?!

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho, one of Hollywood’s leading dental experts in cosmetic and restorative dentistry, is on the Dental A-Team podcast! With Kiera, Dr. Kalasho talks about COVID-19’s impacts on the cosmetic dentistry industry, learning not to operate on a margin, and how to put the patient first.

And (!!!) she shares how her practice utilizes an actual robot with patients. Exciting times, people! 

If you’re interested in gaining a clear vision for your practice and sticking to it, as well as how to create a blueprint for success, you’ll want to listen up to Dr. Kalasho’s insights.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho is a dentist and patients see her for a host of reasons, including teeth bonding, bruxism, sleep apnea, sensitive teeth, and plaque. She is fluent in English as well as Arabic, which makes her culturally attuned to patients from various backgrounds.

Dr. Kalasho earned her dental degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. She presently runs her own practice located in Los Angeles. As a dental professional, she tries to stay updated on the latest advancements in dentistry to provide suitable treatment options to her patients. Dr. Kalasho recognizes that many patients may not be completely comfortable with visiting a dentist. Hence, she endeavors to make dental visits a low-stress experience with minimal discomfort.

Learn more about GLO Modern Dental at glomoderndental.com

Podcast Transcript:

Kiera Dent:

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Dental A Team Podcast. I'm your host Kiera Dent, and I had this crazy idea that maybe I could combine a doctor and a team member's perspective because let's face it. Dentistry can be a challenging profession with those two perspectives. I've been a dental assistant, treatment coordinator, scheduler, filler, office manager, regional manager, practice owner. And I have a team of traveling consultants where we have traveled to over 165 different offices coaching teams. Yep. We don't just understand you. We are you. Our mission is to positively impact the world of dental, and I believe that this podcast is the greatest way I can help elevate teams, grow VIP experiences, reduce stress and create A teams. Welcome to the Dental A Team podcast.

            Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kiera. And you guys, you know how we all hear about Hollywood and we all want to learn more about Hollywood. Well, you guys, I got real lucky and I actually have one of Hollywood's leading dental experts in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. She is fantastic and she is a practicing doctor. So, I'm so excited to have her on the show. Her name is Dr. Rhonda Kalasho and I'm just so excited. I'm going to dive in deep. Don't worry. I've got Hollywood stardom going on over here. So, it's going to be an epic, epic podcast. I hope you guys are excited. And Dr. Kalasho, how are you today?

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Oh Kiera, how are you?

Kiera Dent:

Good. Good, good, good. You just got done with surgery, this is in-between seeing patients that you were making time to podcast, so thank you. Thank you so much.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Of course. Anytime. I listen to your stuff all the time.

Kiera Dent:

Thank you. Thank you. It's fun. You are in LA, obviously Hollywood. So, kind of just tell us a little bit about yourself. I have stardom going on. I mean, Hollywood doctor, I have a doctor who's down in LA and it is so crazy the stuff you guys do with movie stars, it's just crazy. And those are your normal patients. So, tell us a little bit about yourself, how you got here.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

I'm bad with knowing people's names. The staff is really good. I had someone very famous yesterday, actually, I ended up doing a root canal on. And all the girls were like, "Did you know who that is?" And I had no idea. And I think that's a good thing. That's a good thing, you just put the... You get more of a human approach when you don't know who they are. But I love practicing in Hollywood. This is my second practice. I had sold my first one. I went into practice ownership immediately after I graduated my residency. And I graduated in 2016 from UCSDVA, San Diego. So, I've always been a California girl. I went to San Diego and then fell in love with my husband in Los Angeles, sold my Orange County office and then came out here. [inaudible 00:02:57] working on a startup in Beverly Hills. So I am very, very much busy, but I love it. I can't imagine doing anything else. When I was in school, I was actually going to become an accountant.

Kiera Dent:

Really? So, you love the business aspect of dentistry, which most doctors don't, but you're solid.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

I love entrepreneurship and I love starting up businesses. I like the marketing aspect. I love clinical though. So, it's a really good mix. Dentistry has found itself to be or proved itself to be not only medicine, but it's intertwined in business ownership and art. So, it's such a beautiful field. I truly feel blessed every morning and I don't think a lot of people can say that.

Kiera Dent:

Absolutely. That's awesome. I love that. Okay. So, you got started in dentistry, you love accounting. You're getting ready to do a startup, which congrats on that, especially in such a saturated popular area, but I don't know, so many doctors when I talk to them... Go ahead. I'm sorry.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Oh, sorry. Yeah. During COVID it's been hard.

Kiera Dent:

I bet. Tell us some of the things you've encountered because I think Hollywood, a lot of it's cosmetic. How did COVID impact you out there?

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Luckily because of my residency, I do a lot more of the essential dentistry as well. I do enjoy veneers and all the cosmetic aspects of dentistry. But I think what makes GLO and the model that I've created, this business model, is that it's a one-stop shop. My residency was really good. I ended up doing hundreds of root canals by the time I graduated, ended up doing a ton of implant placements and extractions. So I'm very comfortable doing a lot of that. And so during the time, we weren't open to be doing hygiene or veneers, but I was [inaudible 00:04:55] days a week just doing emergencies. And so I was pulling a lot of teeth. I was pulling a lot of teeth or doing a lot of root canals. And so for a long time, I was just doing the essentials, but I'll tell you, it gets excruciating after a while. [inaudible 00:05:14] your hands and, and I miss just doing the cosmetic stuff so bad.

            And I'm so glad, you could see the trajectory of people's health with just those couple of months how essential just a cleaning is. Some people are really hanging on by a thread in terms of their perio health. If they're regularly seen every three months and then suddenly they haven't been seen for nine, and you have mobile teeth, you have cracked teeth, you have dental disease that are extremely exacerbated. So I'm glad we're back, but I hope they don't do that again. I think they under... I know they were taking a lot of safety precautions, but dental hygiene is super important. And we could definitely mitigate and make it safe, which dentistry has always been a field where we are in the zone of some pretty struck, some big diseases out there.

            We are prone to getting RSV, which is respiratory syncytial virus, HIV, sorry, Hep B, all these things. We've been trained to keep the area clean, safe for both the staff and the patient. And I'm proud of our profession, that we were able to mitigate COVID so well that the spread in dentistry has been negligible, if any. That's why we weren't even on, when they phased the vaccinations, they put dentistry a little lower because we didn't have a big input in term spread. So that's really fair.

Kiera Dent:

Yeah. I agree. I think it's just been an interesting zone where dentistry already deals with all these problems. That's what they do on the day in, day out. And so I thought it was very odd that they closed it down. So I'm glad that they saw that it was an essential, that we're back, but I'm glad that you were able to stay in there. I think so many people did miss cosmetic, but I think with a lot of the stimulus coming in, I think there are quite a few bigger procedures that I've seen at least in several practices that ironically are actually coming through. So I didn't expect that to happen, but I'm curious if the stimulus checks or whatever it was. I don't know.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

I think it might be a stimulus check or maybe a little bit of people looking at themselves in the mirror a little bit, but yeah, big veneer cases are... And I was talking with some colleagues, we're closing some big cases right now in terms of cosmetics and they're for people that maybe were treatment plan to get it two years ago and now are coming through the door, and believe it or not, they're out of work. So I'm asking how's work now? "I got laid off," but I'm going to be doing this huge veneer case, and I don't want to ask where the finances are coming in, but maybe it's the stimulus checks, maybe it's PPP, or I don't know what it is, but we're happy that they're doing it. We're able to stay busy, and I think we're looking at our last year's third quarter numbers, and we actually did pretty well.

Kiera Dent:


Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Yes, so we're very happy with where it ended up. And I just don't want to be the glass... I want to be the glass half full right now, but I feel like we might be ending up in and maybe, I don't know. It might not be the same thing in the next couple of years. So I would say [inaudible 00:08:46] I'd hold back. That's why I'm kind of staggering the startup a little bit until we get into the second quarter, just so the numbers are actually what they are. And I think that's just hyper-inflated right now. And then we'll see what happens in the next quarter.

Kiera Dent:

Yeah, absolutely. And I agree. I'm trying to be optimistic. I'm hoping that it's just going to be positive and things will continue going, but I also think it's smart to be informed and also prepared. I really feel that when we're prepared, you have a plan, you've got things in savings. You've got your safeguards in place. Then you can weather business. All this is just business. It's not really, I mean, COVID pandemic, this. That's just a flavor of business. Like you said, you love business. I do too. I think when we see it that way versus like, "Oh, this is a one and done." It's like, "No, actually this is just business. It's just a different shade of it."

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Yeah. You just don't want to operate on a margin. I think that's what it taught most people is really look at your expenses and plan ahead.

Kiera Dent:

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. It's stressful, but it doesn't have to be stressful. And a ton of our clients were really well-prepared and they're like, "Kiera, thank you for pushing me." And I'm like, "Oh my gosh, I'm glad you say that now." Because I know at the time I'm like start putting things aside, follow the profit first model from Mike [Mekowliks 00:10:01], have things in place. Then you can make smarter decisions versus desperate decisions.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:


Kiera Dent:

So let's pivot gears a little. You do GLO Modern Dental. Talk to us a little bit about that. I'm excited to hear about it. I want people to learn about it. Tell me a little bit about GLO Modern Dental and why it's successful.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

So hen I graduated from my residency, 2016, I did go into the corporate world and I did a little bit of the corporate dentistry. And really what was missing was that personal aspect between patient and doctor. It felt like you were a number as a doctor and the patient was also a number and you guys were just kind of passing by each other, and it didn't feel like home. So I wanted to create a dental office where you felt comfortable, or you didn't feel like you're being cheated, where you felt like you were getting high quality care at a reasonable price, where everybody in there, the staff included, was happy. So I noticed that also in maybe corporate, the patient relationship with the staff and the staff with the doctor. Everything felt disconnected. And I wanted something that felt like home. Like you can talk to your dentist like they were your friend. But at the same time I wanted something modern. I wanted high quality care.

            So hence the GLO Modern. So we have modern technology here with cone beam CT. We have 5D technology. We have 3D goggles that you wear during root canals. We use an endoscope that has 3D optics on it. Everything is digital here. We have a robot named Itero. Sorry, not Itero. We have an Itero too. We have a robot named Temi who walks around, picks up a patient from the lobby and take them to the room. We're completely modern. But at the same time, it's not at the expense of the patient where we have these ridiculously high Hollywood prices. So we're very competitive in the area.

            And then every one of my staff, because I believe in human capital and part of the GLO business model is that I feel like creating an environment where you just can sense the contentedness or the happiness in the air. So you can feel it from the front desk. They're all gleaming with smiles and they're super happy because our staff gets healthcare. Our staff is well paid, way above the average per hour. They get gym memberships when it was open, of course, but they go there, they get gym memberships. We have a yoga center right below us that they can go take yoga classes afterwards. We give time off. Altogether, we take one week off, we close down the office. I have an emergency doctor that will see some of the emergency cases.

            But either way we create an environment where it's collegial. And also when the patient comes in, we put them first. So when they sit in the chair, we ask if they want water, do they even want some teeth, some light tea? So we do like some white teas and stuff like that if they want anything. Or they want to put on some TV, we have TV for them. But they just can feel that we are there 110% for them from start to finish.

            And we have a rule of not judging, so if the patient hasn't been there for a long time, there's a lot of plaque in their mouth or whatever, you do not want to shame them. Nothing that we do is a shame.We always put compliments first. It's so good that you're here. Thank you for coming. I know it's been a long time. And I always tell patients, they always say, "Oh, you don't want to look in my mouth." And I tell them, "Even if you had not a single tooth in your mouth, it's still not late in dentistry." It's never too late in dentistry to start. So we never shame. And that's why we get over a hundred Yelp reviews that are all five star that I did not fish for. That's where we get Google reviews and whatever. And we've only been in business for three years. So this is my third year. And we got a bankrupt practice to start, and then we got to where we are right now. And we're very proud of where we've come. So that's GLO. We're going to start a GLO of Beverly Hills pretty soon.

Kiera Dent:

I was curious if you were going to franchise that name out in a way of... We had a name and a logo and we started just kind of branding that up the corridor in Colorado intentionally because it had a great reputation. So I'm glad because the GLO is fun. And I love, first of all, I want to know more about your robot because I've never heard of a dental practice with a robot. So tell me a little more about what even spurred that idea.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Yeah. I'm a nerd when it comes to Star Wars and a lot of tech stuff, anything new that... I could have a perfectly working iPhone that's fine. If there's a new one, it's in my hands. So, I will get whatever new is out there. And I think these reps love it. They milk it too much too. But so the Temi robot is a robot that was made for retail. Up until recent, they wanted to make it for medical. So they're actually just doing a beta version or trying it out for our office and want to see if it's something that could be worked for used in dental. So far, I like it. I think it's cool. She kind of runs around the office.

            I think she definitely has some little things about her that might not be the best. She does bump into walls a lot, wraps herself in the weirdest locations. But I do like that she gets post-op instruction. So I recorded myself giving postop instructions. So we have her go to the room, we'll say, "Hey Temi." And I hope she's not around because she'll start running in here. "Hey Temi, go to room one and give post-op instructions." So you go to room one and then you can click on the little recorded video and she'll give a post-op instruction for the patient. I use it for dropping off charts. I'll put the charts on her back. And she goes to the front and drops it off. And then she tells the person what I want them to do with it, take it back, write it up or whatever. I mean, she hasn't been advanced enough to become a dental assistant, but I'll get her there.

Kiera Dent:

I think that's awesome. I've never heard of that. That's so fun.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

The other rooms too, like my staff needed scalers in the other room. So we just put it on her back and send it to the room. I think it's all part of the branding too. But when you say modern, I kind of almost want it to feel like you're in the Jetsons episode. So I do like that people come in and are like, "Oh man, this is modern." We don't have lame music playing. We don't have [inaudible 00:17:18] you feel like you're in an elevator. We have a Calvin Harris and we have Kygo. It's fun in here. It's not loud where I'm yelling over the patient, but they can feel it. It's a fun jam and they love it. They love it.

Kiera Dent:

Hello, Dental A Team. I hope you are as excited as I am, because guess what? May 14th and 15th this year we are running Dental A Team's full team summit for the first time ever. It's May 14th and 15th, a Friday, Saturday. And it's CE training for you and your whole team in your practice. So in the past, you've had to fly your whole team to get full team CE, and instead we're bringing the CE to you. I've attended so many virtual events and I cannot wait because this is going to be epic of all epics.

            We're going to teach you guys with your whole team working together, how to build your dream practice, how to have accountable teams and run effective meetings. We're going to have breakout sessions with each department specifically. So billing, OM, TCs, schedulers, hygienists assistants and doctors. And we're going to round table style learning from the best. We're going to have lessons on leadership. We're having guest speakers come in. It is going to be epic, and I want all of you there. So head on over to our website, the dentalateam.com/events and snag your ticket for you and your team to attend Dental A Team's full team summit this year.

            Yeah, that's amazing. I love that. And especially in Hollywood, I feel like you've got to differentiate yourself in some ways. And so I love something I hope people are picking up is I feel you have such a strong vision of what you want it to be and you seem very committed to that vision. It's going to be modern, it's going to be advanced. It's going to be this way. And you're creating that, where I think so many people, myself included, I'm like, "Okay, I know some of the pieces that I want, but I don't think I'm as clear."

            And I feel you are so crystal clear, you're attracting people that are crystal clear. Your patient base is very crystal clear and it's not this waffley, you're not trying to be everything to everyone. You have a very specific patient that you want to treat, you know who you're trying to attract, and they're coming to you very successfully, three years into startup and then having COVID. Yeah. That's pretty impressive to be growing and ramping up and continuing to where you're ready to take on the next one. But I think it's because you're so clear on your vision. Are there any other things you would say? That's kind of what I pulled apart from that. Be clear in your vision, go towards those patients. Don't try to be everything to everyone, be very specific. Is there anything else you would say that you feel has helped you be successful to this point?

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Yeah. I think, between my husband and I, I'm the one that... He's a lot more cautious and he's successful too. He's super successful. He's an entrepreneur, he's a plastic surgeon. He has a big skincare line. So both of us are, I feel like he's the male version of myself. So I was very happy to marry myself. But, I think between us both, we were talking about this the other day. I think we do have a clear vision and the difference is, when I talk to somebody who maybe says, "Hey, I want to own a business or I want to start something up." They sleep on that idea for a long time. And you check in with them in a couple months, you say, "Hey, whatever happened to that thing? Did you ever start that?"

            And you notice that some people say, and they make up something. Something else comes up. Don't be afraid to start your dream. Just go for it. And if it's money, don't fear it. A lot of people fear debt. There's something called good debt and investing in yourself is good debt. And having the ability to create business and to be an entrepreneur, and seeing your dreams fully imagined and in front of you is truly the greatest gift. So, have a goal and don't be afraid to pursue it. Yeah, you're a mom. Yeah. You're busy or whatever the reason is, it should just be one little obstacle and you jump over it and keep on going. But that's the thing. I have an idea of something and I do it. I don't just kind of leave it on the back burner and think, "Okay, I'll revisit you in six months." If I have an idea, life is short. I'll go for it.

Kiera Dent:

Yeah. I love that you said that because my husband and I were talking the other day, and I don't know where I was at. I think I was on a coaching call, and I said, "So many good ideas don't get executed just because people aren't willing to take that first step." And so, you just think of how many people, like you said, have this idea, or they want to try something, but like you said, they come with all the millions of excuses versus looking at all the reasons why maybe they should take that first step. And I love that you said that because I think that applies to doctors. I think it applies to office managers, hygienists, treatment coordinators, schedulers. Think of how you can innovate and create different things within your practice. Think of how you can innovate...

            I mean, you have a robot. I've never heard of that. I'm still stuck on the fact that you have a robot and how brilliant you are doing post-op instructions with your robot. I was also thinking like, "Holy cow, that's perfect handoffs every single time, because it will say what you want it to say with no issue." Things that are just innovative and creative. And yet how many team members have great ideas, but maybe they don't think that they're smart enough or that they're good enough. Or well, I'll just, like you said, let that simmer on the back burner versus executing. And I love that you brought that up. That's been a huge piece to why you are successful.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

Yeah. The people need to be a lot more, especially your team members as well, motivated to... Because this is, I think a lot of the times what I noticed, and I'm hiring a lot, obviously I've hired a lot, notice that people think that this is a job and not a career, but dentistry, people that you work with, they went to school usually to learn a trade. If you go into school to learn a trade, it's a career, not a job. And if they're dental assistants, they generally work for you for a couple of months and then off to the next. And I can see that through maybe Indeed or ZipRecruiter or whatever and I'm looking at their resume. And it goes, I worked for so-and-so for July 2019 till October 2019. And what did you get out of that?

            So when I hire or when people come in, I tell them, "I'm hiring. We're going to be married. So I want to make sure you're a right fit." And so I don't like, I hate hiring. It drives me nuts. It's like you're going on 50 first dates every single time. It's the same thing over and over. So also when you hire, you want to get someone who's motivated who has a vision for your office as well, who has ideas. When we do our office meetings, I always ask them, what do you guys think about this or that? And I want their input so that they feel that they are a part of the growth and that it doesn't feel like a job, but a career.

Kiera Dent:

I think that's a really good point that I hope a lot of team members who are listening realized, because I felt the same way. I think so many team members, and I know I had this when I was a first dental assistant, that it was just a job. It wasn't my career. And I'm like, "Guys, look, I went from dental assistant to consultant and we consult hundreds of..." That was never on my trajectory. Never. I thought dental assistant, I'm going to be an assistant. I love being an assistant, but that's where it really shifts, and it became a career and a passion and a love versus just a job. And you see people that you know this is their career and they're the employees that you want to do anything for. They're the people that you just love. You want to just help-

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

They're the ones you buy Gucci shoes for. All my stuff, got them all Gucci shoes. So there is a perk when you put commitments into your job, and if your employer is a human being who realizes how human capital is of utmost importance. BEcause it also depends on the employer as well. Treat the staff that really put their best foot forward every day with utmost respect too. You want it, don't talk down to your staff in front of patients. They hear it, they hear everything, you're right next to their head. So, you want to be careful the way you speak to people and you want to make people feel comfortable. But at the same time, the staff need to realize that this is not a job. It's a career. And to every single day, come in at 110%.

            And when my staff, I think I've over the years... And everybody who's here has been since day one. And yeah, we lost a couple people. We've gotten rid of a lot of people, and I'm not afraid to fire, and don't be afraid, even if you live in California. I know they have a lot of rules for employer employees protection and not enough for employer protection, but don't be afraid to fire. And say, "Hey, you don't fit." Clean house, clean house a lot, and don't be afraid of that, but don't just go on a rampage and just fire everybody. But I mean, have a controlled, a streamlined way of interviewing people and really know what you want and build a team that has a similar liking and understanding of your vision.

Kiera Dent:

Totally agree. So you've given a lot of pearls. I hope you've just been taking notes because I've been sitting here thinking like, "Gosh, do I clean house? Do I hold onto people longer? Am I afraid?" And I think that that's a big piece. I'm picking up that you're not afraid. I'm going to execute this idea-

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

HR for Health is a really good HR... Didn't want to do a plug. I don't even have any... If they want to give me money, they can.

Kiera Dent:

We won't say no.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

The HR for Health is actually pretty good. I don't like doing my own HR, but I did it. There's a digital HR that you can do. And there's multiple companies. It's not just them, but there's HR for Health is for doctors that don't like to do their own HR. And then you can send employees kudos. You can send them termination letters. You can send them all the documents that they need for their tax purposes. Also, what I really like is that you can have a digital copy of a write-up, say they didn't sterilize something well, or they didn't do something that you told them to do, and you write them up. You don't want to just blindly go up to them and shake your finger at them. You want it to be documented, and that employee signs it and they realize, "Hey, she's serious. I got to stop."

            And having multiple of those, if you're looking at maybe an EDD against you for something that you... What's the word I'm looking for? Where you fired them and they weren't supposed to, or whatever. But you have a document that shows, "Hey, no, they were given multiple warnings." And then you are freeing yourself of any type of employer, employee lawsuits and stuff like that. That's a good pearl to take away too, because I think a lot of people hold onto some pretty nasty employees in the fear that they might come after them. But this is your home, and they're just visitors. So you need to make sure that you're creating an environment that is aligned with your vision. And if they're not, don't be afraid to fire. But I would definitely say download HR for Health or something like that to keep HR off your back and in someone else's hands.

Kiera Dent:

I love that. That's a really good tip because I mean, I'd heard of Cedar. I haven't heard of HR for Health, but you're right. Digital copies because so many offices get in hot water because it wasn't documented. It wasn't signed. So I love that you have that as an option.

            So I'm just going to wrap this up because if you were to give a tip, this is what my last question is. My last question for you is, if you were to be to somebody, there's people of all different walks of life that listened to the podcast, which shout out to all you listeners. Thank you for listening. If you were to speak to somebody who is either getting ready to do a startup practice, or they were struggling with their team, or they're just a doctor listening, or a team member listening, what would be a piece of advice... I don't care what you choose to give. I'm just going to plant that up there. I'll give you a little time to think. What would be a piece of advice you'd give anybody, team member or doctor, listening that you feel could help them be successful?

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

The biggest thing is have almost like a blueprint. If you've done something and it worked and it worked well, save that idea like a blueprint. So when I went into practice, I had a broker. I had a practice transition consultant. I had these... I knew I needed this, this, this, and that. And so that's what I would recommend. Create something where it's a blueprint for success and follow it. And ask people for help that's already done it. So don't let your pride in your way. You can reach me on Instagram, if you have any questions, but it's at Dr. Rhonda Kalasho. You can ask me anything. It's really important that people who've gone through it all and done this path of startups and business ownership have made many, many, many wrong choices. But if you can save yourself from making some of those wrong choices then do that. So ask questions, have a blueprint for success and follow it.

Kiera Dent:

That's so good, guys. And she just told you how to follow her. Rhonda, you have so many followers. And for you to say you're willing to talk to the Dental A Team listeners. You're right, though. I think that there is so much wisdom in the minds of men as, and they're willing to share if you're just willing to ask, and the fact that you've gone through this, you've done a startup. You're going to do another startup. You're in one of the most competitive markets that I've ever seen. You have a very strong vision. You're not afraid. What I love the most is people in California usually are so terrified to fire people. They're like, "No, I can't do that." And you're like, whatever. Find the yes, let's move forward to the yes. And don't be afraid of this. That's holding you back.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

When I married my husband, I said yes. Twice.

Kiera Dent:

Exactly. So you guys, go check her out. Dr. Rhonda. I just love this conversation. I want to talk to you more. I'm obsessed about your Irobot. I'm obsessed about your modern view. I'm so excited for your next practice. If we can do anything to help you. I'm not just putting this out there as a haphazard favor, truly ask. Anything we can do to help you out, I'd be more than honored and happy to do so. I appreciate your wisdom and just sharing today.

Dr. Rhonda Kalasho:

I appreciate you very much. Thank you for having me.

Kiera Dent:

Yeah, of course. All right, you guys, this is Dr. Rhonda Kalasho. There we go. Let me just botch your whole name, but guys, she is fantastic. So go check her out on Instagram, follow her, ask questions and it's fun to hear of other doctors living your guys' same lives that are in the same trenches as you are, and look at how they're able to take it on. So I love the perspective. As always, you guys, thank you so much for listening. Thank you, Rhonda. And we'll catch you next time on the Dental A Team Podcast.

            All right, Dental A Team listeners. That's a wrap. Thank you so much for listening. And if you love today's podcast, go leave us a review. It takes you five seconds and your review helps more offices, more practices, more team members just like you find out about the Dental A Team. Thank you guys so much for being part of my Dental A Team family.



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