334: This Ain’t Your Mama’s Webinar

The event you’ve been searching for IS ALMOST HERE! That’s right, The Dental A-Team Summit is happening on May 14 and 15! This **virtual** event will absolutely revolutionize your practice’s teamwork and effectiveness; we’re talking team CE and swag boxes and lessons you can implement LIVE in your practice right then and there.

Plus, hear from such stellar speakers as Mikel Michalowicz (on financial freedom), Dr. Erin Elliott (on sleep apnea), Paul Goodman (on onboarding an associate), and so many more!

The DAT Summit is Kiera’s dream come true, so please attend with your entire team and experience a bond for life.

And we’re not done yet! Before March 31, be sure to sign up and get the early bird discount. ALSO enter coupon code ‘podcast’ to get another surprise :) Visit summit.thedentalateam.com/ to sign up.

Podcast Transcript:

Kiera Dent:

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Dental A Team podcast. I'm your host Kiera Dent. And I have this crazy idea that maybe I could combine a doctor and a team member's perspective because let's face it, dentistry can be a challenging profession with those two perspectives. I've been a dental assistant, treatment coordinator, scheduler, pillar office manager, regional manager, practice owner. And I have a team of traveling consultants where we have traveled to over 165 different offices coaching teams. Yep, we don't just understand you. We are you. Our mission is to positively impact the world of dental. And I believe that this podcast is the greatest way I can help elevate teams grow VIP experiences, reduce stress and create A Teams. Welcome to the Dental A Team podcast.

Kiera Dent:

Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kiera and you guys, oh my gosh. I'm leaking this on the podcast because I'm so dang excited. Are you ready for this? Like, but really you got to be ready, amped up, excited to go. So you guys, I'm just going to tell you a little bit. Are you guys ready to go down memory lane with me for just a second? I hope so. So, oh gosh. It's been probably two, three years now. I had this insane dream that we are going to build a Dental A Team Summit. I was thinking, okay, great. So they have all these summits for doctors like ortho and bring your teams and like, hey, let's do a retreat and all these things. Right. And I was sitting there and I was watching all of them and I'm like, what's missing? What's missing? And I'm like, I just feel like one, it's super expensive to bring team members. So a lot of offices don't bring team members.

Kiera Dent:

Two, there's got to be a way that Dental A Team, like, hello, we're the team training company for dentistry. That's what we do. That's what we love. That's what we're the best at. We are the best of the best for this. We're the best at getting offices to grow from team buy-in and using the whole team instead of just focusing on one or two people. And then we specialize. So we literally know every position. We have a hygiene coach. Then we also have our doctors like, hey, this is how you talk to a team. And like, hey, this is how you can help your team get great case accepted. So it's very simple. It's the whole process of the entire group. So I had this crazy dream and I was like, okay, we could do it during the summertime.

Kiera Dent:

We can bring people out to a camp. I was just thinking what holds people back? What holds me back? I want to take my whole team to Tony Robbins. What holds me back from taking my whole team, getting team buy-in? Because at the end of the day, I took Kaylee. Me and Kaylee went to Tony Robbins. You guys, it was, I'm not exaggerating, when I say it was $20,000. Yep, that's how much it cost me to take Kaylee to Tony Robbins. It was expensive. It was a game changer. It was insanity. I had a small team. It was basically me and Kaylee. Now we have a much larger team and to think of dropping 10 grand per person like Holy moly, no thank you. So I started thinking about this and then COVID happened. And then I got struck by lightning, guys. Not really. The idea. I call it, when my ideas come, I call that "a stroke of lightning" and it's awesome.

Kiera Dent:

And I decided this year that we were actually going to revolutionize team training and team CE. So what we're doing is Dental A Team Summit, May 14th and 15th. And you guys, this is how it's going to shake out and I can not wait, which is why we got on to podcasts to let you guys know about it. So what's going to happen is we actually are doing this. Okay, great. There's a solo ticket. Don't buy the solo ticket. That one, actually, I think it's almost sold out. If it's not already sold out. Don't buy that one. Buy the team version. Reason being is one, it's way better bang for your buck. Two, you get CE for your entire team and three, you get a swag box. It's coming to your practice from the Dental A Team. It's going to be so fun. But more than anything, the Dental A Team Summit is going to go like this.

Kiera Dent:

Okay. I'm actually going to pull up our agenda. So I'm totally cheating. And I'm telling you everything that's going on. So what we're thinking, Tiffany, me, the consultants, we all got together and we said, "Okay, how are we actually going to do this? What do offices need?" And we're like, bottom line is you go get amped up, ramped up at an event. And then what's the hardest part? Oh, it's taking it back and implementing it. I do it all the time. I take a thousand notes at Tony Robbins. And then I'm like, oh shoot, I didn't implement this. I didn't implement this. That was such a great idea. And so we decided how we're going to revolutionize this is we're literally going to do it in your practice and get you to do things during the event so you don't have to go back and implement.

Kiera Dent:

So it's going to be so epic. I am so excited that we have the opportunity for virtual team CE, guys, like we literally are going to be in your practice. And if you've ever been to a Dental A Team event, you know it's not a webinar. No, we see our faces. We get you to engage. You get points for engagement and it's going to be so fun. And we're actually going to break you guys up and have you with different offices so you can learn best practices. We're going to break you up by department. It's going to be freaking epic and nuts. And I cannot wait. So basically we're going to map it out of you guys are going to get to build team goals together as a team. And we're going to send you guys some cool stuff in the swag box that you're actually going to create as a team and put it up in your office.

Kiera Dent:

So that way you guys can remember all the things that you learned, plus, it's a visual reminder. So we're definitely going to send that to you. Then if you guys don't know Mike Michalowicz, you guys, I don't know what the heck I was thinking, but I literally asked Mike Michalowicz to speak at our summit. Who does that? That man is, he's a legend. He's written so many books and he's literally changed my entire financial freedom. He wrote Profit First. He wrote The Pumpkin Plan: A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business. Fix This Next. This man's mission is to cure entrepreneurial poverty. And I love it. So he's actually going to speak on building your financial freedom and putting profit first into play, which a lot of offices actually pay me a decent chunk of money to help them implement that. And he's literally going to come to this event.

Kiera Dent:

Then we're actually going to have you guys, we're going to go through how to get the "Yes". So increasing case acceptance with tangibles, and we're going to have you guys role play in your practice. Don't worry, we're going to watch you. So it's just like you have the Dental A Team in your practice, consulting your practice, but at an event setting, and it's going to be so rad. We're also having Dr. Erin Elliott who does sleep apnea. She's going to be coming in because I wanted her to teach how to get the entire team to implement sleep apnea into your practice. I can't tell you how many offices I have wanting to do it or have tried, but getting their whole team to do it. So I asked her if she'd speak on the whole team approach for sleep apnea and she's a rock star. And she said, "Yes."

Kiera Dent:

We also have Dr. Jenny Perna. Now you guys have probably heard her on the podcast. But she actually does yoga and so she's going to be teaching us how to have wellness from the chair. So simple stretches you can do. Different things you can do to get rid of those aches and pains and keep your body healthy for the long haul for every position in the practice, which I'm so excited because I remember as an assistant, dang guys, my right shoulder killed all the time and it was just always cramped up. So Jenny's going to actually help us figure out how not to have that happen. We also are going to do breakout sessions per departments. We're going to get you guys all into departments for teams. We'll have doctors, hygienists, dental assistants, billing, schedulers, TCs/office managers. We're going to separate them all out. We're going to have a breakout room. We're actually going to do a training, but then we're also going to have you bring best practices. And we're going to have you share with each other.

Kiera Dent:

Some of the things that you do because honestly, I feel like one of the unfair advantages I have and the reason that we are really good consultants because I have an unfair advantage where I've seen hundreds of different practices and I'm able to pull the best of the best from every practice. And so we actually wanted you guys to be able to do that in a group setting. I have attended a ton of virtual events, prepping for Dental A Team summit to make sure I knew the best way that I've seen for this to happen. So we're actually going to break you guys up and we're going to give you more opportunities to connect. We're going to have the Dental A Team actually floating through to make sure your breakout room doesn't S-U-C-K.

Kiera Dent:

We wanted to actually be super effective and efficient and for you guys to learn from each other. So that's going to be part of it. We're also going to have a ton of awesome sponsors. You guys, I'm super jazzed. Then we're also having Paul Goodman. He is going to be on, and he's going to be speaking of how to get an associate onboarded using a full team approach. And I love this. He and I were talking about his topic and he mentioned that oftentimes it's really hard to get the associates, basically, incorporated into your practice. And I agree. Schedulers and front office. How do we schedule for an associate? How do we tell our patients that we have this associate. How do we fill in associate scheduling? Dental assistants, how do we get doctors and associates to be on the same page? All these different awkwardness that people have to go through. And so Paul has a ton of great resources along onboarding and associate with the full team.

Kiera Dent:

Hello, Dental A Team. I hope you are as excited as I am, because guess what? May 14th and 15th this year, we are running Dental A Teams Full Team Summit for the first time ever. It's May 14th and 15th, a Friday, Saturday, and it CE training for you and your whole team in your practice. So in the past, you've had to fly your whole team to get full team CE; and instead, we're bringing the CE to you. You guys I've attended so many virtual events and I cannot wait because this is going to be epic of all epics.

Kiera Dent:

We're going to teach you guys with your whole team working together, how to build your dream practice. How to have accountable teams and run effective meetings. We're going to have breakout sessions with each department specifically. So billing, OM, TCs, schedulers, hygienists, assistants and doctors, and we're going to round table style learning from the best. We're going to have lessons on leadership. We're having guest speakers come in. You guys, it is going to be epic and I want all of you there. So head on over to our website: the dentalateam.com/events and snag your ticket for you and your team to attend Dental A Team's Full Team Summit this year.

Kiera Dent:

So we also have a surprise that I'm not going to tell you. Then we're going to be doing following up with case acceptance and treatment planning and words to use and not to use and how to be a word ninja. We're going to do a one-on-one monthly departmental assessment role-play where we actually are going to have you guys do it in your practice. And then we're going to have a special Platinum private group. So any of our offices who are Platinum Consulting clients, and anyone who joins Platinum between now and summit actually will get to come to a private Platinum group. And it's going to be legit, crazy town. We're going all out for our Platinums. I have a special guest speaker that's coming. It's just going to be unreal. You guys, I can't even wait.

Kiera Dent:

And so basically, overall, there are other things that we're going to be plugging in there. Some different pieces, different parts that I just know are going to make a practice. But when I I talk about role-play, we're actually going to have you guys build out certain parts. So like KPIs and one-on-ones and our treatment planning and our followups. And we're actually going to help you build it and then implement it in your practice. So if you have questions or we're going to assign it to a person, but everything we're doing is a whole team system approach. And so every single department's actually going to learn it together. Then you guys are going to put your own office flair on it, and then you're going to go execute on it. So you guys, this is something that has never been done before that I've seen. This is something that I knew at some point the Dental A Team Summit would be released. I just didn't know when would be the right time.

Kiera Dent:

Last year I realized, this is what it is. And then 2021, the idea came up like, oh my gosh, we actually have an opportunity to meet you guys in your practices with your teams at an affordable price and get, see for the entire team, high-five. But more than that, you actually get to experience Dental A Team Consulting, which people pay thousands of dollars to participate in. You get to do that in your practice and it's cost-effective, it's affordable, and you're going to get results, and you're able to implement, and you get this incredible speaker lineup and the whole team ... This is the part I'm most excited about.

Kiera Dent:

The entire team gets to experience the same event together because what I found is I actually put my team through trainings together. I put my team through a leadership training. I've put my team through listening training. I put my team through, gosh, you name it, a book club training. We've got another one coming up because what I found is when people experience an event together, they're more bonded. They have the same communication. They're able to pull like, oh, remember that example, or oh, remember how we went and did this together? And it's actually a bonding and a cohesiveness. And so it's freaking magic that we actually get to do this in your practices. I never would have come up with this idea without COVID. I never would have thought about what the pain points were, how hard it is to take something and go put it back into your practice until now. And so I'm so grateful for the sponsors who believe in us, the sponsors who are making this happen. We're flying to Studio 88's studio to make sure it's the most incredible experience you guys could have.

Kiera Dent:

We're sending out ... Of course, guys, it's Dental A Teams. So your swag boxes, like I'm giggly about it because I can't wait for you to get them. They have so many fun things in them for teams. But more than anything, I cannot wait for you guys to be a part of it. So as always, our podcast listeners, you guys get obviously special goodies. Right now before March 31st, it's Early Bird Signup, and then be sure to enter a coupon code, PODCAST. And there will be a special surprise for you with coupon code PODCAST. I just appreciate you guys. Yes, obviously you're going to get a better deal than Early Bird. So you guys better sign up before March 31st. Make sure you sign up for the Full Team. Head on over to summit.thedentalateam.com. That's: summit.thedentalateamcom. Use the coupon code: PODCAST.

Kiera Dent:

You guys, it's going to be incredible. And I just feel honored that the company has grown, that you guys have grown, that we've been able to coach and help so many different offices. And if you want to just come for free, you can join Platinum. All of our Platinum offices get to come to all of our Dental A Team events for free. So if you've been thinking about Platinum, definitely a great time for you to sign up and then you get to come to our Platinum private group experience as well, which will be on Saturday. So this is May 14th and 15th guys from 9:00 AM to basically 5:00 PM Central, and for your whole team in your practice, CE for the team. If you guys have questions, email us: [email protected].

Kiera Dent:

But you guys, this is stuff that's magic that we worked so hard. You guys are going to get workbooks. You're going to get downloadable forms. You're going to get all of our knowledge delivered to you in your practice with your team. So as always, guys, head on over to: summit.thedentalateam.com. Use coupon code PODCAST, and as always, guys, thanks so much for listening. Thanks for being a part of our Dental A Team family. I can't wait to see your guys's cute faces to me in virtual person because I get to see you. I get to see you on this summit. We'll get to see your faces. We'll get to see your practices. We'll get to answer your questions live. We've really been working super hard to make sure this is a super interactive, affective, incredible summit for you guys. And you know, if you know, the Dental A Team always goes above and beyond to make sure you get an elevated experience. That's just one that you've never experienced before.

Kiera Dent:

All right you guys with that, thank you so much for listening and I'll catch you next time on the Dental A Team podcast.

Kiera Dent:

All right, Dental A Team listeners, that's a wrap. Thank you so much for listening. And if you love today's podcast, go leave us a review. It takes you five seconds and your review helps more offices, more practices, more team members, just like you, find out about the Dental A Team. Thank you guys so much for being part of my Dental A Team family.



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