364: Block Schedule Around the Prime and Fluff

It’s time to organize your life … with Tiffanie and Kiera! These two haven’t been as smart with their time lately, so a podcast episode dedicated to block scheduling and power hours was called for.

What is block scheduling, and how can you incorporate it into your practice? Kiera and Tiffanie share what that looks like. It’s important to know your personal limitations and to be okay with them. Key takeaways from this episode:

  1. Block in your admin time and hold the block

  2. Consider the different pieces that need to be addressed and schedule them in during your power hour

  3. Incorporate block scheduling into your practice

If you’re not scheduling items, they’re not going to get done (at least as fast as they need to). 

Organization awaits with the pressing of play!

Episode resources:

Reach out to Kiera & Tiff

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