368: Just DeW It, DAT!

It’s a crossover episode! Kiera joins Anne Duffy over at the Just DeW It podcast to talk about empowered women in the dental industry, the power of competition, and the highs and lows of team coaching. Both DeW and DAT are women-led organizations/businesses that have experienced great success, and this episode shares pieces of that.

Kiera talks about her experience as a go-getter both personally and in dentistry and how that translates to pushing yourself to the next limit. Listen to this episode to discover what drives you!

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Podcast Transcripts:

Kiera Dent:

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Dental A Team podcast. I'm your host Kier Dent. And I had this crazy idea that maybe I could combine a doctor and a team member's perspective because let's face it, dentistry can be a challenging profession with those two perspectives. I've been a dental assistant treatment coordinator, scheduler, biller, office manager, regional manager, practice owner. And I have a team of traveling consultants where we have traveled to over 165 different offices, coaching teams. Yep. We don't just understand you. We are you. Our mission is to positively impact the world of dental. And I believe that this podcast is the greatest way I can help elevate teams grow VIP experiences, reduce stress and create A Teams. Welcome to the Dental A Team podcast.

Anne Duffy:

Well everyone it is Anne Duffy, and here we are at the, "Just DeW It podcast." And I have a fantastic guest today that I'm going to let her introduce herself to you. I met her through a great friend of ours, Joanna Scott from studio 88. And she introduced me to this lovely young lady. And she's just a ball of fire ball. Ball of wisdom. She's got so much going for her. And I just loved her energy. And I was on her podcast last week and we said, "Hey, can you be on my podcast this week?" So here we are together, please help me welcome Kiera Dent.

Kiera Dent:

Thank you, Anne. It's so fun to be here. I just adore you. I love meeting like-minded people and I just feel so honored to be a part of your movement and what you're doing. And anytime I get to have a little more Anne time in my life, I will definitely say yes. So thank you.

Anne Duffy:

My pleasure. And I feel the same way about you.

Kiera Dent:

Well, thank you. It's fun to be here.

Anne Duffy:

Tell us how you got where you are, because you've got a great story and I'd love you to share with our listeners.

Kiera Dent:

Absolutely. So I'm a geek about dentistry. People ask me all the time if Dent really is my last name and the answer is yes. It just took me three fiances to get that. So that's fine. That's a whole different story. Another day, another dollar. But I started out in dentistry to wear scrubs. That was truthfully 100%. I really had never had a passion for dentistry, but I had a friend and a role model that I looked up to so much. And she said, "Kiera, I think you'd actually be awesome as a dental assistant." So I went in, in high school, we had an ROP program and I remember the first day I walked into that class, Ms. Helwig was her name. I walked into the room and I said, "Hi, I'm Kiera. I want to talk to you about the dental assisting program." And I remember she sat back in her chair and she said, "Girl." Well, she, I probably didn't say girl, that's my rendition of this.

Kiera Dent:

I remember her sitting back looking at me and she said, "You are the epitome of a dental assistant." And of course that won me over because I thought I'm going to be successful at this. This will be great. So I did the dental assisting course. I actually was not the best assistant, just naturally. It took me a lot of time. Mastering x-rays with film was really hard. And from there I just, I fell in love with the profession. I fell in love with helping patients. I went from dental assistant treatment coordinator, scheduler, biller, office manager, regional manager. I taught at Midwestern university's dental college. I worked with the first and second year students and helped actually teach x-rays believe it or not. And then I actually went and helped a student straight from Arizona. We went to Colorado and I helped her start her practices. And we took our first practice from 500,000 to 2.4 million in nine months. And we opened our second location. And now there are seven locations all in all.

Kiera Dent:

I sold out of that as an owner and decided to start the Dental A Team Consulting, because I wanted to help more of those students. I thought, "Hey, if I could help her, what could I do for all these other students?" So that's what inspired the Dental A Team Consulting. And then while we were consulting, helping all these doctors, I thought, hold on, we focus so much on the doctors that we forget that there's a whole team that literally propels this whole engine forward. So that's why we made the Dental A Team podcast. So it's ways to motivate and grow team members as well. That's why we have our events. And so really coming from a whole team approach because I also started realizing a lot of doctors don't like to execute and implement. So let's find a way to get their whole teams to do in an easy way. That way they can do what they love. And they have an accountable team that's built on a system. And here we are today Anne.

Anne Duffy:

Wow. No wonder we align so much. Oh my gosh. I love the team aspect, I think because of your history and your experience being a team member, you can understand what it feels like to be in their shoes and how important that is to love their job, be fulfilled. That makes everybody happy, the patients and especially the practice owner. So kudos to you on that. What a career. And you're so young, you're just getting started. So it's just a pleasure to see someone like you figure out what avenue you want to take in dentistry. Because as you and I were talking the other day, one of the reasons we started do is to keep women like you industry excited about the opportunity, excited for just the profession itself. So I'm excited for you to actually motivate the team members, to do the same thing. Right? To love what they're doing every day. That makes such a difference.

Kiera Dent:

Yes. Thank you.

Anne Duffy:

So I forgot that you... All of those practices that's really cool. You've always been a go getter. I mean, was that a natural thing for you or was it just something that you've developed over your young 37 years?

Kiera Dent:

Yeah. So I've always been a go getter. I think growing up with four brothers around me, I definitely 100% thought I've got to be just as strong and as good as them. And so I think that that motivated me, not necessarily because that was who I was. Maybe it is. I mean, I like to wake up early. I like to get things done. That was 100% always what I needed. And so that's just who I think I became and who I feel like I was. And then having brothers definitely made me a little more competitive and I needed to figure out how to be able to then keep up to their same level. And so that's how I, maybe what motivated me. I'm not sure. But I know I just always loved to just push myself to the next limit. I thought, how could I become a dental assistant and become a practice owner without being a dentist? What could be that possibility? What are some of those opportunities? And I thought there's got to be a way to do this.

Kiera Dent:

And so I think I just I'm very much a very busy mind and I love business. I'm intrigued by business. I'm intrigued by helping more people and having a bigger impact. And so it's just constantly that itch that I can't scratch of, okay. So we'll build a podcast. Okay. Then we'll start to do virtual events so we can globally impact dental practices. Not just regionally, but across the globe. Let's find a way to do that. So I don't know if that answered your question or not, but to say in a short term, yes. My mom used to make, she giggles. She would say Kiera, when you were little you were so busy. And at night, if I couldn't find you, it was because you had already gone in tucked yourself into bed because when your quarter's gone, you're done for the day. You've got to go rest up. So that way you can run and play the next day. And that's still how I'm today.

Anne Duffy:

Oh my God. I love it. You use it all. You use it all and just leave it on the field. Right? You'll leave it on the field which is really neat.

Kiera Dent:


Anne Duffy:

The funny thing. I thought that when we were talking too, of course, I love Strengths Finders. And so I said, "Hey, listen, have you ever heard that?" And of course you are so cute. You're like in the middle of our conversation, you're going into a computer and you're finding your Gallup strengths that it popped up, that you didn't know, you didn't own at the time. And we had a great conversation about that. And when I asked that question, you were answering it about, how did you get this right? You look at your strengths. I mean, you are one driven woman and those are the natural towns.

Anne Duffy:

I mean, number one, I'm going to share this with our viewers, is futuristic. And number two is, keep call competition. You have, three, positivity. Four, communication and five is empathy. And I remember when we were talking. We were like, "Oh my gosh, How did I get empathy? I feel like I have an empathy." And yet we came up with. Didn't we? The good balcony of empathy and you had no base, which would be being soft and moody, overinvolved, weighted down by the burdens of Others. That positivity totally kicks that right of any of that basement. So you're just a light because you can feel what others feel. And that is such a gift and such a talent and it's God given. So kudos to you for taking a little bit of ownership. But I love the one that stands out, which is, competition. Right?

Kiera Dent:


Anne Duffy:

And tell us a little bit about that because I know that, that actually a light bulb went off while we were talking.

Kiera Dent:

Well, I thought the light bulb actually was, when you pointed out, I have no strengths on there that are executing strengths. And that was a huge light bulb for me because you and I actually unraveled that I execute, not because that's what I actually enjoy doing, but I execute because I'm competitive and I will win. And so that was so eye-opening because all of a sudden I realized I actually, it's interesting, because when you and I were chatting, my life looked very different than it does today. I had, my team was rolling and then as business is, I actually had a team member just not show up. She was my core implementer. And then when I got back, so I was on the road right after I saw you. So that happened on Wednesday. And I come to work on Monday and a team member, who in October told me she was going to be leaving at some point, told me that Monday that she's like, "Kiera I know it's unfortunate timing, but I did accept another offer." So I was like, "Oh my gosh, my two executor's are gone."

Kiera Dent:

And so it actually was such a beautiful timing to have that happen because I realized I have got to hire a really good executer because that's not what I enjoy doing. And I had another dentist. He and I were chatting when I was out consulting their office. Feeling like I'm in quicksand, as I'm watching my whole business slip. And I'm sitting in an office consulting, loving my life, but stressed out. And he said, "Kiera, you must be hating your life. Always having to execute on everything because that's not even where you enjoy being." And so it just delved into what you and I had chatted about. And I was like, "Yes, this is why I'm so frustrated. This is why I'm not feeling fulfilled in life.

Kiera Dent:

This is why I'm constantly driving and pushing and trying to figure out what the heck is going on and why am I so frustrated?" Because I love what I do. I love my business. I love helping dentists. I love helping teams. I love going and speaking. I love podcasting. And then I realized, oh, it's because of all the minutia to execute and have a business run that I'm really not enjoying." And so we actually just hired our operations. So he'll be starting with us next week, our first male hire and the Dental A Team, which I'm excited for.

Anne Duffy:

Wow. Okay.

Kiera Dent:

But just bringing on people. So that way my competitive nature can be more fun and used in a very competitive way. I like to win. And I think it forces me to be innovative. And last year in COVID we pivoted on a dime left and right, but that executing, oh my gosh, that was the eye-opener for me. And when you helped me see, be in my zone of where I really love to be, and I'll be really happy and fulfilled and hire people that have a complimentary strength to me, will be so synergistic and it will be magic. Amazing. I loved it.

Kiera Dent:

Hello, Dental A Team listeners? All right. One of my absolute favorite quotes is, "You are always one decision away from a totally different life. So what life do you want to have? Do you want more accountability? Do you want a team that's trained? Do you want to have somebody who thinks outside the box and creates just for you? Do you want to have a coach? Do you want to have team training? Do you just need somebody to kick you in the rear and get you going? Okay. Don't worry. I'm in every single one of those boxes. And that's why we created Dental A Team silver, gold, and platinum.

Kiera Dent:

It's going to be customized team training for you on the terms you want. So silver? Silver is more for accountability. Gold? Gold includes all of our online training plus the accountability and platinum includes all of that and in-office. You guys, I would strongly suggest you go join Dental A Team gold today because you're always one decision away from a totally different life. So what are you waiting for? Hop on over to the dentalAteam.com today. You guys, we only have so many spaces. So get over there today and sign up for Dental A Team, silver, gold, or platinum.

Anne Duffy:

Well, see, that's what's so interesting, because the competitive competition overtook your need to have that executer. You're spot on there because no matter what you're going to make it happen. Right? Because you're not going to let yourself down. And I do believe that you came up with also, that you don't necessarily compete with others. You compete with yourself. Right? You're always trying to do the best. And so wherever you start, it doesn't mean you want to start at the top. Start at the bottom. And you have it, every aspect of your career so far. You just start at the bottom, not knowing anything and then just building and being the best in that situation or that position. Which is a beautiful way to live. Always, no matter what you're doing strive to do your best. So I'm so happy that that came around because I'm laughing about that. A lot of times in which, is usually normal in strengths is, you don't have has something in each of the four domains, which would be executing, influencing, relationship, building and strategic thinking. So you're really a good influencer with your communication and your competition.

Anne Duffy:

Obviously, you've surrounded yourself with people that adore you, like me and so many. You've got this big meeting coming up and you've got tons of attendees and just keep gathering more people into your fold. And then your relationship building, which is so wonderful as a coach. The positivity, you can always bring something, you see your cup full cup is half full and never half empty. And just being in somebody else's shoes is truly a gift I think, when you're a coach. Especially coaching a team. Right? Because when your coaching teams it's different than one person. I think some coaches when they are coaching one-on-one those type of people will continually to be attracted to you. Whereas when you're attracted to you're team coaching, you have to accept everyone, every personality, the highest. And because there's some people on that team, that positivity might be number 34. And so that's a little tough. But you can understand where that person's coming from and bring out the best in them.

Anne Duffy:

And then also futuristic number one, which of course is strategic thinking, which gives you this blueprint print for where you see you going. And that's a question we're going to ask at the very end. I'm curious about that. Well, good you found that there's some comfort in that and great for your higher. It'll be interesting when you bring the strengths to your team. So far, I was just telling somebody earlier this morning, my team, when they come on board, they've all taken strengths and it's so fun. And it's very validating to me. Did I get the right person? Because like you, I knew I have nothing in strategic. And so I'm like, I need somebody that is strategic in their thinking to round out my team because I don't mind being the influencer or the relationship builder. That just comes easy. I'm in love with it.

Anne Duffy:

And I think when it's easy, you're going to do it better. It's just like, that's just the bell curve. If we are good at something, naturally, if we put our knowledge and the experience together with the talent, it becomes this amazing strength that we are on rocket fuel. So kudos to you. So I want to know what's coming up with you because that's something that you were telling me about. And I thought, this is something that I'd like our listeners to hear about. Maybe share the love out there with a project that you're working on right now.

Kiera Dent:

Yes. Absolutely. Well, thank you so much Anne. Like you said, I had only taken strengths for myself. I've done disc, a lot and then Colby, but I just want to like piggyback on that before we pivot to where we were talking of how important I think it is for teams, for entrepreneurs, for anyone leading a business to really recognize. I used to be really guilty of just hiring people I liked. Well, then all of us were visionaries. We were all just hanging out in this dreamland and nothing was getting done. And so finding what your zone is, and then also finding people to compliment, truly was one of the best pieces that I learned from you. And that just added to what I had already been doing and made me even better at that. So thank you for that. And I, I'm excited for other people to bring that into their teams.

Anne Duffy:

And one thing I want to say about that, that just struck me just now. Remember you're like so many people that will take strength finders. A lot of people don't know about it, so there's that. But then when you took a long time ago and you took the test another test. Right? Another personality test, you put that in the drawer. It wasn't until you bet about, wasn't even 15 minutes or 20 minutes talking about it and just unwrapping it. Right? And then layering on to yourself. And then that's when the light bulbs go on. So again, if you have taken or you want to take it. If you want to reach out to me and let's talk about it, or one of our coaches. I mean Kiera will probably dive into this as well, because it's the understanding of it that makes you really, truly fall in love with being okay with who you were meant and who you're going to be. So thank you. Thank you for that.

Kiera Dent:

Oh Anne I have so many things I want to just chime in on that. And I know we need to wrap this up and move on. As you said that though, I wanted to point out. Here's my competitive nature. When I read those, I remember saying, "Oh, I don't really like that strength." And I said, Anne I think this is old and I should retake it," because I wanted a better strength. And something you said that I just want to double back on because I thought it was so enlightening for me that I hope it helps other people. You said, "Kiera the first time you take, it's usually your most accurate." And you also said, "Find the beauty in those strengths." Because you had mentioned for you when you got, you thought like, this is dumb. Like why?

Kiera Dent:

And I thought the same thing. I was like, "Empathy and competition? Gosh, I'm probably such a jerk." And like, "I don't want to be empathetic. I'm going to be crying all the time." And so I love that you said to just own that and to find the beauty within. And I think especially as women, because I know this is due as women. For me that was just showing forth love of like, I don't have to disregard a piece of me that I feel is weak or something that I'm not. Super excited about. I'm finding the beauty within that, to fully just love me as the perfect person that I'm, versus having to shift and become something that I'm not. Really was a beautiful eye-opening piece for me as well.

Anne Duffy:

I'm so glad. Yeah, I think it does, if you just continue to think about that. And I was mentioning, I read them every day for a while because we really are enough. Were we are enough. We were not everything. We're not actually supposed to be well-rounded. It's all great. But we actually are really good at a couple of things. And so stay in that lane and that's what I think, you can change the world and you can live a happy fulfilled life. So thank you so much. Oh my gosh. We can talk forever. Could we not?

Kiera Dent:

We always could.

Anne Duffy:

There's so much to talk about. Oh my gosh. So, but I want to know, we talked with [inaudible 00:20:27] I do want to share a little bit about the A Team and also, especially because we know more than 50% of the graduating class are women and you've also have another program that you've developed with summer [inaudible 00:20:46]. Speak little bit about both of those. Lets hear it.

Kiera Dent:

Yeah. Of course. So thank you. So the Dental A Team is for dentists and teams. It's how to work on you as a person, how to get your financials. And your overhead integrate space, and also your systems and your team. We call it the MYS. So money and financials is your M. The Y, is all about you and as a person. And then S, is for systems and teams. So that's our approach on it. We traveled the practices. We have, usually a 10 to 30% increase in revenue for every practice that we work with in their first 30 to 60, 90 days of working with us. And so that's a ton of fun and we love that. And I'm just so passionate about that. And then we also have our sister company, Women Dentists Connect, where we get a bunch of women, doctors and team members together. And also do very similar, tangible hands-on pieces.

Kiera Dent:

So either one of those Dental A Team, though, like you said, Anne, we have an incredible event. We talked about, what's the next level, what's the future of Dental A Team. And our mission is to positively impact the world of dental. And so we're always looking for ways to make that bigger and have a greater impact, in a way that actually delivers results because dental team equals results. And so what we're doing this year on May 14th and 15th is we actually are having teams. It's going to be virtual and it's done intentional. I know a lot of people have said they're over the virtual. However, I'm so excited that we're running this virtual because the hardest thing from an event is taking and then implementing, going back. So many people say they get like 5% that they actually implement from a virtual live event.

Kiera Dent:

But it's fun because you make these connections in these relationships. So I decided, hey, let's actually spin this and let's have a virtual event in your practice with your team where you actually execute and implement during the event. So we're going to be having topics like, case acceptance and how to increase that case acceptance with the whole team approach. We're going to role-play play it out. Have you guys work with other offices? We're going to have breakout sessions per department. So billing and the clinical team teeing up treatment. Having the doctors working on their profitability and their financial success. Getting their overhead down. We also have one-on-one. So holding a team accountable and how do you do that and actually not just telling, but actually having you guys learn how to do it. So I'm so excited. It's a two day event for the whole team. You guys can join us. It's May 14th and 15th, head on over to [email protected]. And Anne because I just adore you guys, if they use the coupon code, PODCAST. Just all caps, PODCAST, they'll get a discount on that. So just as a, thank you, for your listeners.

Anne Duffy:

That is so Great. And I love that you're going to be doing it at studio 88. Right? I mean, that's just so cool because they just know how to make it come off without a hitch. And it's just the energy in that company is just, with Josh and Joanna and their whole team. They're just yummy done professionals. And they love working with high level coaches and consultants. So good for you on that. And they interviewed Joanna just because of the women connect, because again, DeW. DeW is all for women. All women in dentistry. All career paths coming together and knowing each other.

Anne Duffy:

Which, this is so cool. Because if it weren't for all career paths, Kiera you and I wouldn't know each other. Right? If it was just in certain career paths. So this is what I love about what a DeW, and good DeW's find good DeW's. And so you're working with a lot of DeW's with women connect and again, we align. So much to inspire and empower them. So I love that. And I know you've got some things going on with that. That's a new thing getting started, I think. Isn't it?

Kiera Dent:

It is. Yes. You've got me and Summer, who are both very driven individuals. Summer's got her practices. She's an incredible business owner. I've learned so much from her. I've coached her offices. She's coached me. It's a very fun relationship that we have. And so women dentist connect, we'll see what happens this year. Last year we worked with studio ADA. And we tend to put on a summit every year. Her and I we've done an in-person and we've done a virtual and especially where it's women and we know that women love to connect. I think we're waiting to just see how it's going to shake out this year. To see what we want to run this as. But yeah, that's what we do is we just get a bunch of women together.

Kiera Dent:

And our goal of that is, for women doctors and team members to, one, believe that they can actually run a successful business and that they can do it> and then give them the tools and the know-how of how to do it. And also how to hold your team accountable without being a witch. And how to just do all these different tactical pieces. Summer and I are very much, if you're going to come to an event, you better walk away with a lot of hands-on, how to's. And so that's what we bring just for a completely female dental group of people, which is always a ton of fun. We love that as well.

Anne Duffy:

Yeah. I mean, it's just the richness of having smart, driven, caring, wonderful women in a room. It's very DeW-ish and I applaud that so much. Well, so knowing what your strengths are now. Just going to switch gears until we wrap this up a bit. But I was just thinking if, in your futuristic, so where do you see yourself going, if you can do anything you believe you can do? So give yourself like-

Kiera Dent:


Anne Duffy:

Yeah. Personally [crosstalk 00:26:13]

Kiera Dent:

I see the business and where that's going, but then also. So which one do you want?

Anne Duffy:

I want both. I'll take both. And let's just say, just put out there to the world and let the universe grab onto it.

Kiera Dent:

So this is fun. I think about this often, and I've also given myself space to let my journey and my map change, because what I used to aim for when I was maybe five years younger, when I started the business, it looks different than today. So this is what I'll put out today with where I'm at. But my future is, I've been working really hard on the business to run actually completely 100% independent of me by the end of this year. Doesn't mean that I'll stop working in it. But that way I've had a lot of stress that, could I actually be a mom and give 110% to my babies while also running a business. And I'm sure there's a lot of people listening that say, absolutely Kiera. You can. I just know for me, I'm a big planner and I'm also very competitive. So if the business dies, it feels like you chopped off my entire legs.

Kiera Dent:

And that's how much the business means to me. And so a big goal this year, is to have it where we empower. Bring on better consultants. Have incredible consultants that are just as good as me. If not better. We've got two of them starting with us as well. We have a whole new plan of how we're going to be bringing on an on-boarding consultance, which I'm so excited about. And so we're also building our dream home right now. So that's very fun. But where I plan to see myself is, we actually have the model for the business, that within the next eight years, it will be about 30 times what it is today. And we have a flywheel mapped out. And I'm really big on, I love dentistry and we've got a passion for dentistry. We also just by nature have been having CPA firms reach out.

Kiera Dent:

We've had chiropractic firms. We've had vet. And so I feel very much that the future of Dental A Team, I actually had seen this a few years ago of, I really do believe we're going to be A Teams for all health care industries. And I don't exactly know what that will look like, also with business and entrepreneurs. So it's headed in that direction of building everything with systems turnkey of having this incredible team of accountable people that love their lives. That are profitable. That are making massive impacts in their communities. And it's just continuing that mission. I think it's going to change and positively impacting dentistry too. Just positively impacting the world. I've said for years Kiera Dent's a name known across the globe, as someone who impacted for good and left behind a legacy that, if I were ever to come back to this earth, I would be proud of what I was able to create. And the number of people that we truly were able to just change their lives on.

Anne Duffy:

Oh my gosh. I have no doubt that you're going to do that. That is a very noble goal. And I can't think of anybody else that couldn't achieve what you want other than yourself and with your strengths and your talents. It's just as beautiful to hear. And it's interesting because when you really think about it, dentistry and all those other small businesses have a lot in common. Don't they?

Kiera Dent:

They do.

Anne Duffy:

It's about leadership from the top down and how they work together. So I really believe that dentistry and a lot of people that are in dentistry now are going to be able to spread out into that pond, so to speak. And really impact how people are treated in small business. And help to grow their businesses where it's going to be successful. And who who's going to benefit from that? The patients. The team. The leader. The world.

Kiera Dent:

Yep. Exactly. I love it much. We'll probably be joining you Anne, on some mission. Some movement. I don't know. We'll be like-

Anne Duffy:

Well you already are-

Kiera Dent:

... We're going to be in other countries. Who knows what's going to-

Anne Duffy:

Why not?

Kiera Dent:

There's the strategy. There it is. I've always wanted to go. We've done a few mission trips, but that's on my radar heavily. I'm not sure what it's going to be. We thought about, make a wish foundation. We've thought about having scholarships for dentists. We've thought about a million gallons of fresh water. All these different, random things that are just fun. So who knows Anne. I'm confident there's something coming our way. More than what we're doing today. So it will be more fun

Anne Duffy:

I agree. Because you know why? Together we do. Together we're stronger. I mean, all of those things are so important. And then it's so real and so tangible right now. So Kiera thank you so much for coming on today. I loved having you on our podcast. I hope everybody will reach out. And I hope that get a chance to meet you at our DeW retreat in November. It's the 11th through the 13th in Charlotte, North Carolina. It's going to be amazing. You have to be there to experience it. Ladies and gentlemen. We have a couple of dudes that are listening to us as well. This is actually so cute. But listen, our last and our last piece of advice to everyone is to just keep doing you. And thanks everyone. Thanks so much. Have a great day. Bye.

Kiera Dent:

And that wraps it up for another episode of the Dental A Team podcast. Thank you so much for listening and we'll talk to you next time.




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