008: Keeping a Schedule, Keeps you Proactive!

Do you feel like you aren’t maximizing your day? Is there a lot of wasted time you could be utilizing? Join Mark and Kiera this week as they discus how scheduling is an important part of maximizing practice time. Having such busy schedules themselves, they know the benefits of working when they are most effective.

In this episode, Mark and Kiera point out useful tips on how to start this process. First, you must schedule around the doctor’s preferences so the dentist is alert and effective in his/her treatment. Second, Mark and Kiera use the “TEN-MINUTE INCREMENT” technique in order to observe:

  • What procedure is needed for that day?
  • How long the procedure will take the dentist to perform?
  • How long is the assistant needed for that procedure?
  • Is the dentist’s and assistant’s time being used effectively?
  • Is their time wasted during and in between appointments?

By tabulating the procedure in ten-minute increments and denoting the doctor’s time needed for that procedure with an X and the assistant’s time needed for that procedure with a /, you will start to observe where the dentist and assistant are being utilized and where they are not.

This simple method will turn your dental office around from a practice that is REACTIVE, to one that is PROACTIVE!!!




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