Episode 789: 2024 Inspo Club 

After last year’s popular book club, Kiera’s back with round two. Bookmark the list below and read the books with your team for improved work ethic, culture, teamwork, and more.

January: The Go-Giver: A Little Story about a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg (Kiera reviews this book in this episode!)

February: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by by Joseph GrennyKerry PattersonRon McMillanAl SwitzlerEmily Gregory

March: The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective by Andy Andrews

April: Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire by Dan Martell

May: High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove

June: Come Up for Air: How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools to Stop Drowning in Work by Nick Sonnenberg

July: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

August: Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy by Patrick Bet-David

September: Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life by Bill Perkins

November: The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again by Catherine Price

Dec: Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

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Kiera Dent (00:00.938)

Hello Dental A Team listeners, this is Kira and oh, today is Dental A Team Book Club Day. This is kicking off January. I'm super excited to be kicking off January with you guys. I think this is a great book to be bringing into the new year to ring it in. And last year I asked, do you guys want to do the book club? And people were, I didn't know. I really did not know if you guys would actually wanna do the book club again or not. And believe it or not,


A lot of new clients who joined us, welcome. They said that they loved the book club podcast. They said they read it with their team. They read the books. They loved doing the books with me. A lot of doctors texted me and said, Kira, you just made it so easy for me to stay consistent with reading and expanding. And honestly, that's my passion, is to expand you guys as humans. Yes, to give you tactical. Yes, to show you how you can take these things into your practice, but really to expand you as humans, to expand you in these areas, to make you a more dynamic version of yourself. And so,


I'm excited to be kicking off the Go Giver by Bob Berg for our January Book Club. I'm also going to give you guys a lineup for our 2024 Book Club. So if you want to get these books, if you want to read along, if you want to see how you can do this with your team, I think it'd be a great opportunity. So trying to make it easy, one book a month for you guys. And I will always do a synopsis for you so you can take this to your team. But February is going to be crucial conversations, tools for talking when stakes are high.


by Joseph Grinney and Kerry Patterson. It's gonna be a great, great team one. So if you wanna get a team one in place, I might recommend this. You could even start it now, but that will be our February book. Our March book will be The Noticer. Sometimes all a person needs is a little perspective by Andy Andrews. So a great one for leaders to just notice the team members in your practice. April is going to be buy back your time, get unstuck, reclaim your freedom, and build your empire by Dan Martell.


This is a great one on really thinking differently to have more time in your life, which I think all of us would love to have. We're going to have May is High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove. How can we constantly have high output in our management team and different tactics to make that doable and possible? June is going to be a great one. I love this one. It's called Come Up for Air, How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools to Stop Drowning and Work by Nick Sonnenberg. So a great one for systems and checklists. So many people want to figure out how


Kiera Dent (02:17.962)

And this is a great, great book for that. In July, we're going to be, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. This one's gonna be a more personal one, one to dig deep in our inner souls to make us a little more emotionally aware. That one, get ready for it. It's gonna blow your mind, so I hope you're ready for it. August is your next five moves, Master the Art of Business Strategy by Patrick Bett David. Such a great one. I love strategy, I love strategy in business. I love thinking ahead, kind of like a SWOT analysis.


So that will be a great one for you. We are going to have in September, Die With Zero. So all my profit first people, those who really were challenged by profit first, get ready for a whole new perspective of how to live life now and not just save for retirement, but to live right now. It's a total mind trip. I'm obsessed with it. Getting All You Can From Your Money and Your Life by Bill Parkins, great one, Die With Zero.


November is going to be the power of fun. I love this book because it has all the confetti on the front cover. It's How to Fill a Live Again by Katherine Price. I believe we should have more fun in life. Why not? If we're living, we should be having fun. So how the power of fun will be our November and then our December, we'll be wrapping up the year with the deep work, Rules for Focus Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport. This is really teaching you how to master and discipline your time. I've talked about that work, that book quite a few times. So.


Bringing that one in for book club for you guys. I really just love, I have so many books that are given to me by clients, by different people, and I try to take the books that I think would be the best for you and your team to grow you as a business leader, to grow you as a leader, to grow your leadership team, to grow your team, to give you tools to be able to talk with each other and to be a more dynamic team. So that's our book club lineup for 2024. And I'm gonna kick it off real quick today with The Go Giver.


The Go Giver book, just a fun background on it, is the book that I actually built Dental A team off of. My brother, he was a geophysicist and I had just broken off my second engagement and he convinced me to come and work at his geology firm. I don't know why, they gave me such a unique job. And the owner of that firm, he was such an incredible man and he gave my brother this book, who then introduced it to me and


Kiera Dent (04:36.234)

The Go-Giver was how he lived his life and this man was such a giving man and such a successful man and I was so intrigued by this book. And so this book is a fable book, kind of like Patrick Lenziani's books where it goes through that whole fable. And I just love this because it has quite a few keys for you and different ways that you can implement it in your practice. So I'll just go through the keys with you today as a quick summary. But really it's the salesman wanted to be so successful and


Overall, it's not a 50-50 relationship. It's about giving more than you receive. And that's ultimately going to make you the greatest success. So key number one was the best way to succeed is not to try and take everything from life for yourself, but to share it with others. And it says, sometimes the more you work to become the rich admired entrepreneur or dental practice owner, you'd like to be the further way at all scenes. If nothing seems to be working in your favor, then it might be time to change your mindset.


And so this was just really like for you to go through and to have a go-giver mentality to realize that what we're looking for is what we achieve. If we're looking for conflict, we'll find it. If we're looking for success, we'll find it. If we're looking for abundance, we'll find it. If we're looking for scarcity, we'll find it. If we're looking for competition and how everyone's fighting against us, we'll find that. But there's so much just by changing that perspective that your life will change, that your world will change.


that you as a person will change. And it's so crazy cool because it's going to help you unleash the power of giving. That way you'll see that success isn't measured by how much you get, but by what you manage to give. And again, this book I love because it feels like such a mind paradox to me. I think so often as business owners and leaders, we look at this and we think, oh my gosh, but if I give, then I'm going to lack. I think if I've got five pennies and I give you four of them, I only have one.


Like that's a very simple math equation to show like, no, I really have less, but it's the giving of value. It's the giving of ourselves. It's the giving of successes, of wanting and being more interested in people rather than being interesting ourselves. It's really just being more about people and the successful follow. And again, it doesn't seem like it will, just like it doesn't seem like if we take time off from work that we'll actually be more successful. I have doctors who work three days a week who are more successful than those who work six. And by success, I mean more profitable.


Kiera Dent (06:52.926)

more time, less stress and happier. It's crazy. It doesn't seem like it would work, but it does. So that's key number one. Key number two is make sure that you add value to the experience of every customer who comes to your business. And I love this one because it's kind of talking to you about like when patients come in, are you leaving them better than when they found you? Do we give an experience in our practice that they can go and have like.


For Dental A Team, I try to give you an experience in consulting that's different than anything you've ever experienced with more value and something that's just going to truly change your life where it's about your life. Yes, we've got systems and tactics, but it's about your life. It's about your success. It's your success, our passion. We're super passionate about that. And to give you a consulting experience, people tell me all the time, like, Kira, you really know these clients. And I'm like, you better believe I do because I don't care about their bottom line. Like, yes, we're gonna make sure they're a profitable business.


but I care about them as a person. And so in this book, the salesman goes and like, works with this sensei and this guru who introduces him to different people and he goes and learns all these different experiences. But this one was such a cool one where it's like, the client experience is giving them more value than they ever imagined. Are you doing that through how we answer our phones, how we check out our patients, how we take them to the back, how we do our exams, how we do our procedures? Are they getting an experience in a place that they usually hate to come?


that's different than anywhere else that they could ever imagine. Are we leaving them better than when we found them? So that's key number two. Key number three is your success depends on how many lives you touch with what you do. And I remember hearing something where they say, we don't get paid on what we're worth, we get paid on the amount of people that we're able to impact. And so thinking about a dentist, of course you should get paid more. Like the number of lives you're actually physically able to change by prepping those teeth, you should get paid more, you're able to influence them. And so with this, it's...


the law of compensation where the number of people who are touched by your practice determines how successful it can become. So how can we serve and give more? Not by doing more, but by serving more people, by having that more in our world, how can we actually do that for them? And so on that, I just really think about, success is actually easier when we are influencing and serving more people. And I just feel like,


Kiera Dent (09:12.302)

where you really need to help as many people as you can. How many people in the community, how many team members can we serve? Because that's ultimately gonna be proportional to your success and a, AKA your profitability. So with Dental A Team, I love the podcast because the podcast is a way for us to reach more people, to serve more people. We have a lofty goal to serve 2,900 offices by 2029. That's a lot of offices for us to serve. So I have to change things. I have to create more value for people, have a different experience. That's why I started the podcast.


That's truly why I started it was to serve and help and impact more people and your greater impact, the greater value you have, the more your success will follow. Key number four in the book was to place other people's interests first to achieve your own goals. Now again, this one feels so counterintuitive because like if I put other people's interests first, like am I really gonna be able to get this? And the reality is yes, because it's the law of influence and how much more you can serve people and bless people.


by putting their interests above your own is a way to build positive relationships with them. It's kind of like putting money in a bank account in the future, right? Like the more we invest now, it grows and it produces undue dividends. And on this, it's not 50-50, it's not I scratch your back, you scratch mine. It's 100% of my efforts go into this. And that can be the same in your marriages, in your children, in your work relationships. It's not a, it's not horse trading. It's literally, I'm giving all of it. And Jason and I, my husband,


We went to a relationship course and they talked about how can you make someone else a raving fan and be invested in them? How can I meet their needs, not my needs? Because so often in a relationship we say, well, until my needs are met, I'm not going to meet your needs. And it's the reverse. Let me meet your needs. Let me serve you, let me love you, let me see how I can serve your needs and my needs will be met by doing so.


And it's crazy, again, like it makes my brain feel tricky, but my husband and I have done this for the last two years and our marriage is stronger and happier and more like intimate and just freeing and loving than it ever was by serving my needs first. And it's just crazy, again, mind conundrum, which is why I love this book because it truly made me think differently. Really giving your all is far better than simply keeping score. And I think that's a great way to summarize that.


Kiera Dent (11:28.398)

Key number five is your business will get nowhere without authenticity. It is the salt and pepper of success. And this talks about how you just really being you, you're gonna attract patients to your practice that come because they love you. And so often I feel like we put these masks on of who we think we should be, or we try to mimic and mirror people that aren't us. And that's why you'll see Dental Lateens Refresh this year because I felt like our old brand was nice, but I felt like it needed to be more us, more fun, more authentic.


to level it up to be these experts with tons of fun. That's why there's fun bright colors. That's why it's a fun different look this year because I felt like that wasn't being true to me. I want consulting to be different. I think you can have a profitable practice and a fulfilled life with ease. And that's what I want people to feel. That's how I want people to be. That's where I want us to be in life. And that's what our consulting is founded upon. And so it's really truly being authentic to yourself. Like it's the salt, the pepper. There's so many people who are.


just non-authentic. And I think this is coming in. I think we're really taking this on as a society, as a movement. And you just realizing that who you are, if you love to do things, do it in your practice. Don't be shy. I had a client tell me, she said, Kira, it's crazy because the people I work with see the real me more than even my family does. And that, I wish that her family saw her that way too. But the fact that she can be that authentic at work and be that comfortable in her own skin, that's why I built the podcast.


That's why the podcast is like this, because it's fun. I don't want it to be perfect. I don't want it to feel like I'm above you. I don't want it to feel like I'm anything more than just Karen, just like you, because if I can show you that, you feel more confident to reach out, to ask for help. That's why I do this. That's why I keep the ums and the ahs, and I podcast when I'm sick, and I show up and I giggle when I make mistakes. The only time I ever edit things are when I accidentally burp or when I cough, because I don't want that in your ear. Beyond that, everything else is real raw, and here it is.


but that's me and that's the people I'm going to attract. You attract the people. Don't be afraid of being you, the world needs you. Your practice and your patience needs you. And then key idea number six is, learn how to give in order to receive. And this one was so interesting because so often we give, but we forget that we do need to receive. Every time you give something, you can't expect to get something in return. It's not this 50-50 trading, but it's the law of receptivity.


Kiera Dent (13:50.114)

And there's so much around it of like, there's so many theories in the world of like, the karma, the yin and yang, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but we have to be able to give and receive. I have to be able to be the recipient in order to know what it feels like to give to someone else. I have to be able to, it says, but if you wanna take advantage of giving, you've got to accept this flow. All too often, we close ourselves off to this process by ignoring it or considering ourselves unserving. This has to stop.


Instead, we should actively open ourselves up by dreaming big, being curious, and believing in ourselves. Not only will this give us the energy to give to others, but it'll make us more receptive to the good things that we receive in return. So often, I think we shut off the giving, the opportunities, all these blessings and miracles and goodness and success that can come to us because we don't know how to receive. So when someone asks, can I help you? Say yes. When someone says, and you're sick and they say, can I bring you something? Say absolutely, thank you for loving on me.


I remember Tony Robbins had someone at dinner and he's like, no, don't pay for me. And the person said, why do you deny me the opportunity to serve and to thank you for the things you've done? Never deny me that opportunity. And I think in this, it's crazy because when we can receive and we can give, we will become more successful. The success will be all around us. It's around all the way that we grow as a person. And ultimately at the end of the day, I believe success comes from who we are and who we become, not what we do.


and being obsessive about serving and giving to other people more value than they ever could have imagined is what the GoGivers all about. So I would encourage you read this as a team, look to see how can you become this leader? How can you build a business around it? I think it's such a great way to kick off 2024 to really realize the secret to living is giving. In Dental A Team, we have a portion of our company called Dental A Team's Live To Give, where every single year I feel like we've been blessed so much that we look for ways to give back. And we did Angel Tree this year and


to be able to give and to love on people and to serve people and to love on our clients and to serve them and to love on the podcast family and to serve them is something that really fills me and my soul. And it's something that I realized the more I do give to other people, the more I'm radically blessed. So I'd encourage you to take this book on, to take this challenge, to see where you can have more of this giving in your world and in your practice, because truly,


Kiera Dent (16:11.126)

The secret to living a fulfilled and successful life is giving. And if I can help you with that, if I can help your team get this in place, this is something I'm passionate about, something that our culture, all the doctors who get together, we're obsessed about giving to each other, serving, sharing our best ideas. That's the culture I've created. That's our masterminds we have. That's the communities we have. And if I can serve you in that way, please join us. Hello at thedentaleateam.com because I would love to give you.


all the tools to success, to grow your practice, to undo heights, and to help you realize that giving to your team, to your patients, to everyone and receiving is a secret to life. And with that, thank you for listening, and I'll catch you next time on the Dental Elite Team Podcast.




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