Episode 454: Dentistry Automation: Will Your Practice Be Left Behind?

Cory Pinegar, CEO of CallForce (a dental scheduling business), joins the Dental A-Team family! He and Kiera talk about what it takes for dental practices to get creative these days, and how CallForce can help (particularly with answering calls, recare, and insurance verification) in a world trending toward automation!.

In Cory’s words, it’s innovation or death. Is your practice keeping up with the changing and advancing times? Even with dentistry as a relationship-driven process, the field is moving toward automation, and the time to jump on the bandwagon now. Learn how your practice can get a head start!

Episode resources:

Check out CallForce

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0:00:05.8 Kiera Dent: Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Dental A Team podcast. I'm your host, Kiera Dent. And I had this crazy idea that maybe I could combine a doctor and a team member's perspective because, let's face it, dentistry can be a challenging profession with those two perspectives. I've been a dental assistant, treatment coordinator, scheduler, biller, office manager, regional manager, practice owner, and I have a team of traveling consultants, for we have traveled to over 165 different offices coaching teams.

0:00:31.1 KD: Yep, we don't just understand you. We are you. Our mission is to positively impact the world of dental, and I believe that this podcast is the greatest way I can help elevate teams, grow VIP experiences, reduce stress, and create A Teams. Welcome to a Dental A Team podcast.


0:00:53.1 KD: Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kiera, and you guys, I am super jazzed for the guest that I have coming on today. He is a rock star, reached out to me. I've heard his name before, and I just love what they do because they're helping us think differently. Right now, I think with COVID, we all need to be thinking a little bit differently, how we utilize our teams and this man, he's just fun. He is pretty committed to Halloween. You guys should check out his Halloween costume this year. He went all in. He's fun. He's epi. He's hilarious. He is the CEO of CallForce, Cory Pinegar. Welcome to the show today.

0:01:25.2 Cory Pinegar: Hey, thank you for having me on.

0:01:27.5 KD: [chuckle] That's all I get from that, huh? Just thank you for... [laughter]

0:01:31.2 CP: Well, really what she's alluding to is the fact that I pierced my ear. She is like... She is slowly teasing it out of me that I am committed to Halloween, which I will own on the podcast, and my commitment to being a skater. This upcoming Halloween is so serious, I went to Claire's, and I did get my ears pierced, and I never thought I'd say that on a dental podcast, but here, hey, here we are.

0:01:55.1 KD: Hey. I didn't say it. He threatened to say it was explicit if I said it, but he... You didn't have to say anything, Cory. This is completely yours.

0:02:03.6 CP: Oh! You dragged... You put the carrot in front of me, and I went for it. Okay? And you said, Wow!"


0:02:06.7 KD: I did. I did. So again, just a super fun guy. Cory is just a real human guy. He's CEO and founder of CallForce, which I only thought, until he and I chatted a couple of weeks ago, that CallForce was simply for answering phones. I've recommended CallForce to quite a few practices, but recently you guys have added quite a few new services, which I'm super excited about because... Insurance verification. I had no idea you guys were doing insurance verification, and so just a lot of different pieces, which I'm obsessed with because so many offices right now are... Welcome to 2021. My marketing gal Sissy told me the other day. She said, "Kiera, 2021 is being called The Great Resignation." People are quitting. People are terminating. And so for offices, thinking outside the box, getting creative, looking at different ways that they can maximize technology so they're not dependent on people as much while still being able to maximize the people that they have, I'm just jazzed to have you... So Cory, just give us a little background of how you even got into the dental space. People know you pierce your ears, hardcore status, so clearly with that status, you obviously went hardcore into dental. [chuckle] Just give us a, how you even got here.

0:03:16.8 CP: Yeah. It's actually a really good story. So I was going to BYU in 2015-2016. I was studying economics at the time. And my aunt had recently moved to Utah, which is this really odd mecca of dental service and technology companies. Dentrix is here. Henry Schein is here. Dental Intelligence is here. Weave is here. Podium is here. Swell is here, and the list goes on and on, and she took a job as the Executive Assistant for the CEO of Weave. And weave in 2015 and 2016 was a 40 to 50 person band, and service was nowhere near or as robust as it is today. And she called me one day, and she was like, "Hey, we've got this closet. And so when a Weave customer was cancelling, they would return their phone system back to Weave, or they were supposed to. Let me add the caveat. And they had this huge room of returned phones, and so Nancy reached out. She said, "Hey, we've got this closet. If you wanna clean out the closet... " I didn't know how big deposit was. "We will pay you $500." I was a college student, and I was like, "Heck, yeah. Get me their $500. I could get this done in a couple of hours."

0:04:39.8 KD: Do you know how many Little Sister's pizzas that's gonna buy? We're talking $5 pizzas. That's 100 pizzas. That could feed me for a whole semester. [chuckle]

0:04:45.4 CP: Little Caesars would feed us well. And so I started working there one night, and I would go in really late at night 'cause I was doing school, and I had another job at the time. And the COO came by one night, and he's like, "Who the heck are you? And what are you doing here?" I's like, "I'm just here to clean the closet, put the phones in the right spot. Please don't." And we started chatting. He's still a really good friend to this day. He's since left the company, but he was one of the original founders. And he offered me a part-time job while I went to school, and that slowly evolved into being a quasi Project Manager in the oddest sense for any odd jobs at Weave that there wasn't a department or a person dedicated to doing it. And those became really successful, and we were able to save the company a significant amount of money over time by finding inefficiencies within the business. And then in December of 2016, Brandon and Jared, who were the CEO and COO at the time, approached me and my partner, Kasey Henson, who... We were working at Weave, and said, "Hey, we've gotta lay off 40% of the company.

0:05:58.4 KD: Wow.

0:06:00.9 CP: "And this division called Recall Solutions, which had three or four people under it, we are willing to pretty much give away this function of the business." They sold us the business for a dollar, and it was generating $200,000 in revenue at the time, so it was small. There was 30 clients, and it was just an overdue hygiene patient recall system. And we would just make calls from a system. We purchased it from them and had no clue. I was supposed to go into the investment banking at Goldman Sachs, and I decided, "Hey, this is a really cool opportunity. Let's run with it." And that's where CallForce started. And we started with three or four employees, and today we are over 200. And we service thousands of offices across the... Over 2000 offices across the United States. So we've been really fortunate and lucky, and we had awesome people who gave us an opportunity, and because of that, we've been able to run with it and grow a business.

0:06:58.4 KD: That's crazy fun. My take away from that was, don't ever say no to jobs. There are so many opportunity. You were cleaning out a closet with phones, and lo and behold, that's how CallForce started. So from a closet of telephones to what CallForce is today, obviously a lot of hard work, sweat, and tears put into that, I'm sure. But I also love something else you said that I hope team members picked up on, and you said through the time that you were there... Even though it wasn't your position, even though it wasn't your job, you found ways to find efficiencies to save the company thousands of dollars, finding different ways to grow the company in your own niche way, and I'm pretty confident it wasn't done hoping to get a raise or being recognized, just literally being a good employee to this company, wanting them to flourish and succeed, and those are the people that I'm always like, those are the all-stars in a practice. Those are the people that are silently observed and then rewarded publicly as well. So I love that. I hope a lot of people took away from that. And so CallForce, like you said, I have always just known CallForce as an answering service of doing overdue recare calls, but I had no clue that you guys also do more than that. But again, like you said, the name CallForce is pretty telling, and it's just like I had to rebrand our company about five times 'cause Kiera's Dental Consulting, then moving to the Cool Dental Masters, which actually in our...

0:08:24.1 KD: Nobody could sell me Dental Masters, so we did Dental Masters Now, but it actually... If you look at that, you are... It was Dental Master Snow, so I got made fun of quite a bit for that name of a company, [laughter] to Dental A Team... But tell us a little bit more about some of the pieces you guys are saying 'cause you do... You answer calls. You do overdue recare. You do insurance verification. Any other pieces that CallForce does? And the reason I wanna bring this up is so people can see... You have a lot of offices with the data, and I wanna dive into some of the trends you're seeing with this data you guys have.

0:08:55.1 CP: Yeah, so we have five main services. Just to roll through them very quickly, we do overdue patient recall. We do unscheduled treatment calls. We do overflow missed calls. We do a managed website chat, and then we provide insurance verifications. That's us in a nutshell, and really what we're chasing... If I looked at our brand from the highest levels, we want to help practices operate more efficiently where they're driving more revenue and profit for the organization, but also at the same time driving a better patient experience. So just a really high level piece of data before we dive into it is 32% of all phone calls during the day are missed.

0:09:35.9 KD: That's crazy.

0:09:37.1 CP: A third of marketing opportunities are flushing down the toilet, to put an analogy behind it. And so I look at that as a patient. One time I lost, actually, one of my front teeth a day before I was supposed to go on stage to 200 people and speak. And I called around the morning of in a panic, trying to get a dentist to actually glue back in my implant that had just purely fallen off in a piece of pizza.

0:10:04.9 KD: Going back to that pizza theme, those dangerous Little Caesars! [laughter]

0:10:09.3 CP: Hey, college is real. And I remember the dentist who picked up the call at 7:00 AM and said, "Hey, You know what? I can make that happen." Kyle Bowen is the dentist I still go to today because he built loyalty. When I was in a desperate time of need, and the 21 practices in Provo, Utah had not answered before that, he did. And so how is a patient... When your phone is always picked up in a time of need, it drives revenue and profit, but it also builds really long-lasting loyal relationships in healthcare. And that's what patients actually want. They don't want to go to a different dentist. At least I, as a dental patient, I have no desire to go to a new dentist every six months...

0:10:54.2 KD: Sure.

0:10:55.5 CP: For the best new patient cleaning.

0:10:58.7 KD: No.

0:10:58.8 CP: I don't wanna not, random in. And so, build relationships by having systems in your practice that are easy to capitalize on. So you're spending your marketing dollars, and you're answering and scheduling those. You're completing insurance verification so that your AR... Or you're not having to go back to a patient over a denied claim over a lack of information or a lack of doing it beforehand. And so there's just so much opportunity in a practice to operate more efficiently, which benefits everyone and makes life for dental team members much more relaxed and less stressful.

0:11:34.9 KD: For sure. And I think a word that came to mind as you were speaking is maximization. So how can we maximize what we're doing at the forefront? [chuckle] I went to an office, and they were not checking their claims before they submitted. Well, then they had a ton of claims coming back. Their AR was over 2,000,000. True story, sometimes I panic when I see numbers like that. And I said, "Well, just walk me through your process," and they said, "Oh, it takes way too much time to check the claims before we send them, Kiera." And I said, "$2,000,000 too much time?" I'm just asking the question because I think sometimes we don't realize... If there was something that could help us answer the phones, or could schedule these patients that we're spending money on with marketing, or we had an efficient way to do insurance verification, good information at the beginning and having good systems at the beginning make our life so much smoother and easier and actually saves us a ton of time long-term. So I really love that, and I love that you guys are doing this, and I also love talking about...

0:12:37.3 KD: We were just talking, a lot of people actually don't care about hygiene recall right now, reason being is, there's this cool thing called the hygiene draw right now where there are very few hygienists out there, it's hard to find how hygienists. So people are saying, "Kiera, I don't wanna make my recare calls because there are no hygienists out there," but yet, I'm also hearing on the other side, "Kiera, we have so many holes in our schedule, we have all these cancellations, and our schedule is not full."

0:13:02.8 KD: I think that just these types of things, staying consistent with calling on recall even though you don't have a hygienist to fill. Those calls going outbound are actually gonna keep your schedule full 'cause you've made enough outbound calls to have enough inbound calls coming and staying consistent. But when the phones are busy, when people are cancelling, we scramble, the first thing to go out the window are the things that actually keep our schedules full and the things that make our life easier because we quote-unquote don't have time. Would you agree with that? That's what I see as a team member living that life.

0:13:34.2 CP: Yeah, and something that came to mind from a earlier statement that you said, and I feel this as a business leader. It's... My job as our day-to-day CEO is to hire the right people, and to get the heck out of the way. I am not good at 99% of the stuff that happens in here, and I think a dental practice is actually very similar. How do we get dedicated people that are really talented at individual tasks, and then let them thrive and succeed? So, as a business, we are currently not big enough at CallForce to justify a CFO that we're paying a quarter million dollars a year, in cash. But when you put fractional CFO that helps us align our business so that we're accounting and creating the right reporting right now, but we're also heading in the right trajectory in the future, and that costs money. We could just have an accountant.

0:14:28.0 KD: That's right.

0:14:28.9 CP: But because of that, there's less stress and less bumps in the road going forward if we chose to invest in a high level of financial services, and a practice is the same way where you could say, "Well, I actually have my team who manages my overdue patient recall, and they just do that." But a large issue of dental practices is you've generally got two people at the front desk. They're taking payments. They're verifying insurances. They should be reviewing and submitting claims or there's a $2,000,000 issue. They're checking in and out patients. They're answering phone calls, and a million other task items. And so what are certain things that are commonly missed at a front desk? How can we take that off the plate, and how can we get dedicated people who are really good at scheduling new patients or auditing bank account? Just in our case, a CFO who can come in and give us a really good advice, and we only use him for four to six hours of the week. But because of that, our business sails a lot smoother, and I'm of the mentality of... It's not about saving a diamond now to have pain in the future because we didn't pave the systems ahead or have the knowledge of our business six months down the line because we rode day-to-day. And so look at your business and say, "How can I take pieces of technology such as online scheduling or forms, and make my business as efficient as possible?" And you don't need humans to do that.

0:16:01.7 KD: Right, right. I agree.

0:16:03.5 CP: And so I think it's a really good point of where is your business inefficient? And that's for a dentist and team members to decide. Then first of all, look at technology that you can use to make that a reality because technology is consistent and frankly, technology is cheaper than the cost of human capital. And then beyond that, how can we layer on team members that are aligned and efficient that can help us succeed to a high level of patient care and also drive the practice to where we want it to be?

0:16:35.5 KD: Right.


0:16:39.4 KD: Are you guys sick of trying to figure it out on your own? I know I am. When I'm trying to run a business, sometimes I just think there's got to be a better way to do this. And so for me, my answer has been to find someone who's done it and does it really, really, really well, like I'm talking the best of the best of the best. I want someone who's been in my shoes, somebody who understands what I'm going through. When I was looking for the consulting business, I found a coach who literally has run a consulting business. Well, that seemed like the perfect fit.

0:17:09.3 KD: So you guys, right now, we have a few spaces open in our Platinum Consulting. That is in the consulting where we actually come to your practice. We help you get systems implemented. We don't just tell you a system to implement. We actually implement them with you and for you. You guys, it is one of the best investments I've ever made is to hire a coach who understands the business I'm in, who's lived it, who's done it, and that's what we and the Dental A Team do. We literally physically fly to you. So if you're sick of trying to figure it out on your own, if you just want somebody who understands you, join our Platinum. I'd love to have you. I'd love to have our consulting team come out and see you, be in your office, be with your team, and truly help you get on to the easy path of dentistry. It doesn't have to be hard. So join us in the Platinum. We'd love to have you.


0:18:00.7 KD: It's interesting 'cause I was actually just chatting with a dentist the other day. He and I were talking, and he said, "Kiera, I don't think that we could ever automate fully a dental practice 'cause we're like... There's hand skills. There's assistance. Maybe one day there could be robotics for it, but that feels further down the line, but we were literally thinking, how could you automate the practice? And what we realize is... I think that there are still specialized skill sets that will probably be in existence for quite a while, but there are so many pieces that can be automated.

0:18:32.6 KD: And that's really why I was so excited, Cory, for our podcast today because I think so many offices think in this mindset of, "I need a human to do this job. I need a human to do that job." But human capital is expensive and there's a lot of turnover right now, and so I think of often, what are... What are services I could outsource, that I allow Cory at CallForce to deal with having to keep these people hired? I don't have to worry about hiring them. You guys take care of that. You help me with this piece, and you guys do a really good job of that, that don't impact, like you said, my patient experience. I think having somebody awesome answering your phone as often as they can, like you said, "Overflow, oh, go," fantastic.

0:19:13.1 KD: Having somebody who's very awesome welcoming your patients, having somebody present treatment plans that are really fantastic, those are pieces that really outsourcing that you might have a different experience in your practice. However, the pieces, the nitty-gritty behind the scenes that often get overlooked because we are spending that patient time, keeping that consistent, not having to hire people that are turning over and having that cost of training as well on you, I think right now is a time that practices should be looking at what they're doing differently. I think it's a good time. I mean, we've lost a lot of the work force. We've had a lot of people turnover. We're trying to train, so why not outsource a lot of these things, but do it really, really, really well?

0:19:55.4 KD: And so I love the things that you guys talk about it, like recall. Maybe people don't think recall is a big deal. To me, it's a huge deal because you don't keep your schedules full if you don't make enough outbound calls. Unscheduled treatment plans. Every single practice, and I visit hundreds of practices, I think my personal body has been in over 200 dental practices at this point in my career. I usually see at least $2,000,000 worth of unscheduled treatment plans. And Cory, I'm sure you see, I don't know what your stats are. 2,000,000's been my number. I just came back from an office.

0:20:20.0 KD: It's a minimum of 2,000,000 at most locations of unscheduled treatment plans. And you're giving me the head nod. You probably can resonate with that. Recare. It's usually quite a few, and if they don't have a lot, it's because they're either one, inactivating incorrectly or two, they actually don't have them on a correct recall system, so they're not pulling through the software, which is a problem right there 'cause then we're not even tracking the patients we have. So what are some of the stats you see? You see a ton of data. You see way more than 200 practices. What are some of the data, the pieces that you see that practices could capitalize on and keep consistent, that doesn't necessarily require a human in the practice to stay consistent on?

0:20:58.2 CP: Yeah, I think this is actually a really good topic. Just one off the bat and in no particular order, but patient engagement and optimizing your patient engagement system is something that's very important. You just can't take a Solutionreach or Magento or Weave, to name a few, and take it out of the box and expect it to be okay and good.

0:21:24.6 KD: Right.

0:21:26.2 CP: So I think optimizing your patient engagement and looking at workflows and automation in them so that you're firing out the correct number of confirmation texts, and that they're going at the right time. Anything we can do from a technology perspective that makes the staffs' lives easier, makes the patients' lives easier, it makes the dentists' lives easier, we are all way too interconnected.

0:21:48.2 CP: I think another important piece that is becoming very common with in-patient engagement now is online scheduling and setting up a system where as many patients as possible can schedule online. Two or three weeks ago, I had a wedding, and I was like, "Oh, I probably should get my teeth cleaned before I go to this wedding." And it was 11 o'clock at night. I was sitting on my laptop, and I was able to book my appointment at 11:00 PM. Otherwise, I probably would have, at 8:00 AM in the morning the next day, not even remembered on my drive into work that I wanted to get my teeth cleaned. So open up every different channel. And then look at the data on the back end, because in different practices they're seeing different data here, so I don't know concretely what's right, but some people are reporting that online scheduling works, but that new patients actually have a lower show rate on online scheduling.

0:22:37.2 KD: Correct.

0:22:37.8 CP: I've seen that, I've also seen some data recently that shows if there's the proper safeguards that that doesn't exist. So I'm not here to take an opinion on that road, but look at the data from your practice. Decide what is the right areas where I should allow my patients to schedule and open up that flood gates because you're reducing cost by having less phones. You're also getting all of the information you need for that appointment. It can fire out automated forms after that. And you're just pushing them through a really simple and pain-free patient experience where they walk into the practice the next day, and they're good to go because you've collected everything beforehand.

0:23:15.6 CP: And they were able to book at 11:00 PM at night. And they can tell their friends about it. And I'm 27 years old. I play a ton of golf. I book everything online now. I have no desire to call a golf course. Dental is slowly gonna become that market. And so having those tools where I don't even wanna call a dental practice, well, we speak to that, and we confirm the right data and information. So we also make it a successful show and revenue driver for the practice. And those are two very simple things, but don't just take a system out of the box with whatever you do and say, "Oh. It's good to go."

0:23:49.9 KD: Right.

0:23:50.0 CP: Get your confirmations right. Look at the verbiage within your recall texting. The doctor noticed you were overdue and was concerned. Not like, "Hey you're overdue for your appointment. Here's a scheduling link or text us." Yes. Make it personal. Make it real. Respond to text messages where people say, "Oh, wait. They care, and there's someone behind this, and they're actually trying to drive my health care to be better."

0:24:14.4 KD: I love that because so often people don't personalize it and they're just like, "And done. Check the box." And then they're frustrated that it didn't work. I also love that you pointed out... I personally think... I know we're younger, Cory, so other people might disagree with us. I truly believe that the future is online scheduling. I believe that it's going to be more automated because if you look at all the different things we can do. We have Apple Pay. We don't even need to take credit cards with us. We have so many things that sync up. You buy your plane tickets online. Yep. They're here. Apple Pay there. All the different things, you don't talk to people most of the time. Most of your customer service, you can just have a chat bot and get it taken care of right away. Amazon is two days. I don't even go shopping at the store most of the time because my clothes come straight to my house. [chuckle]

0:25:05.3 KD: There's just so many things that are automated that I do feel that even though dentistry is a human-driven, very much a relationship process, I believe that it's going to move much more automated. And I believe now is the time to jump on the bandwagon, to figure it out, to get good at it, otherwise I worry that practices who don't embrace this will get left behind. Because that's where it's headed. Like you said, I don't want to call an office to make my payment and guess what? Cheques... I don't know people who write cheques. So offices who aren't taking online payments right now or text-to-pay payments, how are you expecting these patients to pay? You expect them to call you on the phone or to send you a cheque or to fill out some piece of paper with a credit card number on it.

0:25:50.6 KD: Can we talk about welcome to when we were born? That's just not normal anymore. That's not something that people are accustomed doing. People are accustomed to having a text to-pay statement. People are accustomed to making an online appointment. People are accustomed to having somebody answer at all times of the day. That's just the... That's the world that we've marked into, and so I loved it. I get scared and geeky. It's a mix of emotions of the excitement of what things can be outsourced and the really cool pieces we can do.

0:26:17.9 KD: And I get terrified of... Will it outgrow me? Will I get to a spot... And I know there will come a time where I will become the person who can't talk to my husband, and it's like, "Send me a pin of where you're at," and I'm like... Our kids are going to say, "What? Send you a pin? Send me a drone and pick me up, like what are you sending pins?" But at the same time, I think it's important to start adopting this and start thinking differently because, one, you can maximize your practice. Two, you can make your team's life so much easier, and three, I feel like you're creating almost an office personal assistant that never sleeps. This person works for you. They stay on top of it without somebody having to remember to do it and quote-unquote find the time to do so.

0:27:00.3 CP: I think there's two important points that you just made. I think number one, it's innovation or death. The United States, just in the last 150 years, has drastically changed from an industrial-driven nation to a predominantly tech-driven nation now.

0:27:19.1 KD: Right.

0:27:20.3 CP: And if we had held our textile business from the 1900s together, it probably wouldn't be doing well today. And so we have to innovate, and though it's uncomfortable and though it may not make sense, we always have to look at what's the next step because the world is evolving. Number two is automation and systems that create an easier patient experience does not take away the familial feeling of a dentist. I still get to go in and interact with my dentist, with the hygienist, with the front desk, but the experience to get there is the experience, and I'm not ready as a dental patient to go have a robot drill on my teeth. Item one.

0:28:03.4 KD: Me neither, not yet. Test that out a lot more on a lot of other people.

0:28:08.0 CP: I want a dentist who I know and who I trust. But I also understand that my schedule is busy, and so I want to be able to book when I need to book and book what I want to book. And that's not a bad thing. People want what they want now just as we want Amazon Prime on our porch the next day. We need to move in the way where we're giving the consumer what they demand or we will fall behind the market, and people will push ahead. So what are ways we can create easier, simpler, pain-free experience for our staff, for ourselves, for our patients? If we're always continuing to innovate and push that end, and make data-driven decisions and review our findings and iterate again, we're gonna lead on that cutting edge of being a practice, and I believe life will be simpler and less stressful.

0:29:05.6 KD: Amen. Wrap it right there. That is so beautiful of... Guys, I think you should take a look at it. Look at your practice. Look at the data. Look at where are the pain points. So many offices tell me, "Kiera, I struggle with confirmations. I struggle with cancellations. I struggle with us calling our recare patients. I struggle with all these different pieces." Look to see what are those because I would venture to guess that at least one to two to three to five of those items could possibly be automated. And if you did, what type of a patient experience are you getting? Look to see where you may be lacking, where you may be a little bit behind. What are your patients asking for? And I do love Henry Ford, I think he said, "If I were to ask them what they wanted, they would have told me that they wanted a faster horse." But I had to see where they were going. They couldn't envision an automobile. They couldn't envision a car. They would want a faster horse.

0:30:00.0 KD: But then when given this car, they were ecstatic. And so maybe envisioning... Where are your patients going? What are the things that they need? For some practices, you might have older patients that don't want technology, so don't do online scheduling. But also look to see, could there be a whole network and market of people that you're maybe not even available to because you haven't even put that as an option for them to be a part of. So, Cory, I love it. I love the things you guys do. I love your philosophy. I love your style as a CEO. I love what you guys are putting out and how you're helping a ton of offices. So if people are interested, they're thinking of more in these terms, how do they connect with you? What are some of the best ways that they could do so?

0:30:38.0 CP: Yeah. I think our website provides the best information and that's how to generally connect with most of our team, and that's www.getcallforce.com. And I love interacting with dentists and looking at ways that we can improve our product and service because for us, it's innovate or die, just like it is for anyone else. So my email is Cory C-O-R-Y at getcallforce.com. And I love interacting with the dentists we work with and dentists that are just in the community because it allows us to be on the ground floor and say, "Okay, what's happening, and how can we serve the community we work with better?" So never hesitate to reach out to us at CallForce or me personally, and I can promise you we will get back to you very quickly because we value the relationships in the community.

0:31:25.6 KD: I love it. I love it, Cory. Well, it was fun to chat with you. It was fun to think of different ways to innovate, different ways to create, different ways for practices to just think differently. So thank you for your time today. Thanks for popping on the podcast with me. It was a pleasure. I loved the giggles. I loved the stories. I loved just, again, thinking in a different way, so thank you.

0:31:45.8 CP: Thanks, everyone.

0:31:46.7 KD: Alright, guys, as always thank you for listening and I'll catch you next time on the Dental A Team podcast.



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