Episode 752: Staying Grateful When Things Get Hard

grateful gratitude Oct 31, 2023

 It’s been a minute, but Kiera and Tiff are back together on the pod! In this episode, they discuss ways they each go about maintaining a grateful mindset, personally and professionally, when things get hard. Think of this as a grateful muscle you need to build and burn to keep it toned.

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Kiera Dent (00:00.854)

Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kira and oh, my heart is just so happy right now. Spiffy Tiffy and I have not podcast in way too long. Spiffy Tiffy does her own cycle with the consultants and I do my own cycle with the guests and myself. And finally I was like, Tiff, it's been too long. So Spiffy Tiffy, welcome back to the podcast with me. How are you?


Tiffanie (00:21.425)

Aw, thank you. I'm so good. And we haven't done a video cast. I don't even know what you call this. I don't know, my friend always says, like, I watched a podcast today. I'm like, that doesn't even make sense. But we haven't done this together yet. And that's exciting for me. I actually get to see your face while we talk.


Kiera Dent (00:28.034)



Kiera Dent (00:36.198)

I feel the same because Tiff and I have podcasted since day one together and, um, but it's been over the phone. It's been driving. There's one day, Tiff, I think our first podcast we ever did together. I don't know if you remember it. We were driving down from doing about a hundred videos. Um, so if you guys are part of the dental aid team video, you know, series, if you don't know what I'm talking about, you should definitely email in hello at the dental team.com. Cause we make your life really easy, but Tiff and I had recorded about a hundred videos.


And we were driving and I'm like, Tiff, no big deal that you've just output for a hundred videos today, but let's do a podcast. And so I like handed the mic. I just remember being like, okay, Tiffany, and then like, uh, she's driving and then back to me.


Tiffanie (01:12.93)

How creative can you be?


Tiffanie (01:22.101)

Through the mountains, by the way, driving through the mountains.


Kiera Dent (01:24.878)

Tiff is an excellent driver. If you ever need a getaway driver, it's certainly Tiffany. I will choose you all day every day. So on that though, Tiff, it's been so long. I thought there would actually be a really fun podcast for us to go into because I wrote this topic several months ago, waiting for you and me to podcast together. And now here we are. And I just think it's very fitting, especially in the time of world we're in today. And you do it like incredibly well. You're my go-to person for it. But I think it's like, how do we keep a


Tiffanie (01:40.865)

I'm going to go to bed.


Kiera Dent (01:52.974)

grateful mindset in the midst of like when our practices aren't doing as well or when our teams aren't doing as well or when life's just not shaking out the way you want it to go and so this is going to be a softer skill. Tiff and I have a few others today of tactical but I feel like soft skills lead to tactical. It's 80% the soft skills, 20% the actual skill and so Tiff with that you've had a you've had a life to say the least. I'm not going to share your story that's yours to share but like


What tips do you have? I wanna just kind of dive into gratitude, the relevance it plays, how to have that mindset constantly because no matter what happens to you, I feel like I've maybe seen you three times in the six years I've known you not be grateful about something and throw like a five minute temper tantrum and then you're off. So talk to me, anything you wanna go, it's a rift today of how to keep that grateful mindset.


Tiffanie (02:28.669)



Tiffanie (02:43.165)

I feel like we do best that way, like rifting off of each other and just filling the space with our energy. And I think I appreciate it, number one, I appreciate that because I think we oftentimes don't recognize those things in ourselves, right? So for me, sometimes I'm like, you know, yesterday I was having a day and I was just like bawling to you yesterday morning. And those are the days where I'm like,


Kiera Dent (02:59.699)



Tiffanie (03:05.337)

I don't feel like I'm grateful or I don't feel like I'm doing good enough. So it's always really awesome to be appreciated and valued and seen by other people. So thank you for that. And I think to all of those listeners, like remember that with people in your lives, whether it's a friend, a family member, a team member, what have you, we're always attuned for looking for what's wrong in life and especially our career path. Like.


We're consultants. I literally come into your office and find what's wrong. Like that's, I am a tomb. Yeah, always.


Kiera Dent (03:32.054)



Do you ever feel like we become that way? Like I'm like, I'm always just like, my girl is picking up what's wrong. I'm like, Jay, do you not know what I do for a living? Like my job is to find your problems and fix them.


Tiffanie (03:43.589)

Exactly or I'll go into like I don't know a hotel or a restaurant or the hostess Brody My son Brody has been on me lately because I have been on this hostess kick of like it's really not that hard And you're just making this so difficult and so I tend to like stay in that work set that work mind frame So we're attuned to finding those things that are wrong in life And it's really difficult for us to find the things that are going right And it's just not our natural habit our natural habit is to be safe and secure and to


and survival means making sure that the path ahead of us is laid out correctly, that there's nothing in our way that's going to kill us or derail us or make things hard and so we're constantly looking for what's wrong so that we can fix it so that we survive in the end. So I think just being aware of that, number one, I'm super aware that I am always in survival mode. I am a survivalist. That's where I operate from. I know that, but I think that it gives me a


like okay-ness in the world as well. So I know that's where I operate from. So I could be really depressed, I could be really sad and upset or angry all the time because I live in that survival mode, but I tend to try to take the things and spin it the best that I can. So my survival mode actually brings a lot into my life. For some, it could look like a little bit of chaos. My sister looked at my life and she's like, I don't know how you do that. I don't know, you just put a smile on and you just trudge through.


Kiera Dent (05:06.978)



Tiffanie (05:13.571)

how I do it is looking for the pieces of my life that I can have control over and letting go of the things that I don't have control over. So yesterday I was really upset and I called you and this was a, I have a 15 year old teenager and all of you guys out there who have teens or have raised teens or you're coming up on your teens, you know where I'm at right now. And I...


Kiera Dent (05:33.899)



Tiffanie (05:34.917)

You know, like every parent, I thought, my kid's fantastic, he's perfect. Like, we're not gonna have those struggles, he's fine. Well, yesterday we had that struggle. Yesterday was rough, and he's crying on the way to school, he gets out of the car, and now I'm crying, and I'm just bawling, thinking, what have I done wrong? Like, where is his attitude coming from? And, but in that moment...


Kiera Dent (05:42.595)



Tiffanie (05:57.617)

In that moment, I didn't realize how I was thinking about this. Last night, I had a friend that was like, you could have taken that and been like, gosh, Brody sucks. His attitude is just so poor, and he's treating me so bad. But instead, I said, OK, what did I do that provoked what happened? How could I have done something differently? Could I have allowed him to express himself differently? Kira, you talked me off the ledge and gave me so many perspectives. And it's like, oh, I'm sorry.


Kiera Dent (06:01.866)



Kiera Dent (06:07.677)



Tiffanie (06:25.921)

My point here, the relevance of this, staying in a grateful mindset, is that right there. How do you take a situation that's come into your life and say, this happened for me, this is an opportunity, rather than this happened to me?


Kiera Dent (06:40.628)



Tiffanie (06:41.009)

And I know that's like so cliche and everybody's everybody quote unquote says that but it's really true. I take every opportunity to look for an opportunity that I can every single day. When something happens in my life, I think, OK, why is this here for me? Why did this obstacle come? What is it here to teach me? What am I? What am I resisting in my life that it's here to show me that I'm still resisting that thing? You reminded me yesterday, Kara. You said like, what are you not letting go of?


Like where are you too rigid? And those places, those spaces, really looking at those instances for opportunities keep me in a grateful heart because I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to grow past or grow through something and being able to find that allows me to see the path to the other side. And then obviously like.


the easy route as I truly do journal almost every day. Sometimes I'll miss three or four days, but I truly do journal almost every day. And I start my journal no matter what I have to write down with today I am grateful for. And I do like five things and it's, you know.


whatever is relevant that day, but it's typically my health, my mind, my career, my career that affords me X, Y, Z, my relationship with my son because, and I'll kind of expand on it. And it really, starting my day with that, I think is like starting your morning huddle, either with like, hey guys, what went wrong yesterday that we can do better today? Or starting your morning huddle with like, hey guys, it's a new day, we're gonna freakin' win it. How can we win this day? What opportunities do we have to win today?


Kiera Dent (08:15.532)



Tiffanie (08:18.037)

Do that in your own life, and it filters into everything else. So I think of it like that. My journaling every morning, my looking for opportunities, is like a morning huddle that's like, how am I going to win this day versus what went wrong yesterday that I could have done differently, which is still a learning experience, and that's fine. But it just puts you in that negative.


Kiera Dent (08:30.175)



Tiffanie (08:38.845)

tone, right? And so I'm like, what can I do to bring my tone up? What can a hostess do to bring the tone up? A hostess is like, oh, are you here to eat? I'm like, yes, I'm here to eat. I literally had that happen to me. I'm like, what else? What am I doing here? Yes, I'm here to eat, right? So then I'm automatically upset. And so my whole experience of that restaurant has been completely changed because of that one instance. So what's coming into your life that you're allowing?


Kiera Dent (08:39.932)



Kiera Dent (08:50.412)



Kiera Dent (09:00.916)



Tiffanie (09:05.749)

to penetrate how you're feeling that's completely changing the experience of the rest of your day. And that's my non-negotiable for myself, the boundary that I hold on myself. My non-negotiable is that I will not allow something or someone to change how I feel.


Kiera Dent (09:12.558)



Tiffanie (09:25.285)

into a version of me that I don't like. I hate feeling stressed out. I hate feeling angry and upset. Like that tense feeling in my chest, I literally hate that feeling. I will do almost anything to avoid that feeling. So as soon as it comes in, I'm like, oh, something penetrated. What did I allow to penetrate my space and my boundary that just completely changed my experience of what just happened?


Kiera Dent (09:52.022)

I think you brought up a lot of points, Tiff, and I appreciate you sharing. And like I said, I really think that you have learned this. And I think that was the piece I wanted to just highlight is, this has been something you've been working on for years. So like you've got some daily practices in play. And it is interesting, cause I write on mine, I write grateful, and then I just like list it off. And I started changing to I am grateful for, and it made it more instead of like a list of things that I truly was grateful for.


And I think what it does is I almost feel like I put on my like grateful sunglasses and like rock it out my day. Like I'm gonna be able to put a filter on of whatever I want it to be. And so I think you just filtering your day first and foremost of being grateful and seeing those positive moments is huge. And then the second thing is I really do think you have learned to spin. I think it's truly a grateful muscle within you that you've been building and refining over time of instead of saying like, oh my gosh, my team's terrible.


It's like, all right, what are we learning from this? And what do I need to learn from this? And what caused this to happen versus my team's junk? Like I think about, let's apply this to dentists. How often do your teams do things that you don't want them to do? Or office managers, how often do they do this? And do you put the blame there or are you looking like Tiff just did of like, oh, he's just a teenager. Oh, they're just dental assistants. Oh, it's just a hygienist dental assistant drama. Or like, what is there to learn here? Teaching your team to look for that.


Um, because it really does change. It's, it is a more empowering instead of a victim mentality. And I'm a huge believer of. Let us give you guys an opportunity to where you are in the driver's seat instead of letting your team be in the driver's seat. Um, this is going to sound so bad, Tiff. We might have to cut this out. Um, but I'm going to say it because I had a friend Pierce. Some of you may have heard him on the podcast. Pierce is absolutely brilliant. Pierce is very cutthroat entrepreneur. Like.


Tiffanie (11:31.178)



Kiera Dent (11:42.986)

If you listen to him, you see why that man is a bajillionaire. And you see why Kira is like an artist over here, like Tiff, like we can't lose team members. Like I just love them. But Pierce told me one day, he said, Kira don't let the prisoners run the prison. And it's cut throat and it kind of makes you feel yucky saying it on the podcast. But the point of all of that was like, I don't ever think our team are prisoners and that we're running a prison.


Tiffanie (11:49.769)



Kiera Dent (12:08.058)

But the mindset of it and the visual that I can see from that is like, don't allow other people to run you when you're the one running your own show. Don't let your team set the stage and set the culture and set the attitude you get to. It's crazy, Tiff. I know you have this. I have some clients and they're like, Kira, my culture is just so bad. And I literally am like, do you want me to give you a hug right now? Like, is this the time I need to be loving to you? Or do you need a kick in the booty? Because the bottom line is...


that culture and all that negativity is 100% you. Your team's reflecting you, they're mirroring back to you who you are, and you need to change you if you want this culture. But we all are in this phase of like diet pills, and I just want it to work, and I'm like, do you hear Tiffany? Every day she journals. Over the last several years of her life, she's been looking at how is this for me? How is this happening for me? What are the pieces I need to learn from this? How can I keep a grateful mindset through this and being grateful for the opportunity rather than blame?


And so I just feel like there's a lot of ownership in there as well, Tiff. And I don't know if you've got any other thoughts around that, but I just feel like it's like, don't allow your team to dictate. And if you're saying that that's on you, cause you're making an excuse for what's really going on. And second, there are ways for you to put those gratitude sunglasses on. Like I almost want to make those like, Hey, Shelby, can you make these for us? Like put those on as like a true visual for your team of we're going to look at this from a grateful perspective. I'm going to look at my life from a grateful perspective because I want to start training that muscle.


Tiffanie (13:07.143)



Kiera Dent (13:32.534)

to just have that become automatic in the future.


Tiffanie (13:35.233)

Absolutely, absolutely. And I think sometimes I listen to things like this. I do a lot of personal development. I think that plays a huge factor in my overall presence and how I show up every single day and how my brain works. I think I am a firm believer in what you're putting in, right? What I allow to be in my field, what I'm soaking up is what I become. And so I'm a huge advocate for that. So I make sure that anything I'm consuming is for my health, mental, physical.


Kiera Dent (13:50.487)



Tiffanie (14:05.309)

whatever it is, so food, what I'm listening to, the music I listen to, sometimes I'll be in a bad mood and I'm like, what's going on? And I'm like, oh, I've been listening to Sappy Country all day, turn on some Temptations radio and the next thing I know I'm in the kitchen dancing and singing, so I just make sure that whatever's around me is elevating my experience as well. And I think I listen to a lot, like I was saying, and I watch a lot and sometimes I'm like, okay, but like.


Kiera Dent (14:14.136)



Tiffanie (14:30.658)

where did you come from? That sounds real easy, but your life looks lavish and beautiful. And so to give a little bit of a back story, I know, Kira, at the beginning you mentioned, I've been through a lot, Tiff's been through a lot. Tiff has been through a lot, you guys. Tiff has been through the wringer. My life is crazy if I look at it. And I realized a couple weeks ago, I was like, I told you yesterday, I woke up.


Kiera Dent (14:43.012)



Tiffanie (14:51.385)

And I was just like, holy cow, I actually lived through that. I just got to this space where finally I could open up and let go of a little bit of the wall that I built happen. Just so you guys know, so you guys have some background. My.


Kiera Dent (14:55.421)



Tiffanie (15:04.061)

Childhood was anything but what I think any one of us want our children's childhood to look like I was very loved I was very supported in a lot of ways But financially we didn't have a lot and my mom was freaking checked out most of my life She was she was checked out. So I raised my sister. She's five and a half years younger than me So I was five and a half when she was born. I was changing diapers. I was feeding her I was doing the bottles like literally five and a half doing these things


Kiera Dent (15:06.847)



Kiera Dent (15:23.827)



Tiffanie (15:29.557)

But it was what I knew. So everybody says, how did you do this? How did you make it through? Well, I made it through because you know what you know. And I just lived my life. And so fast forward a few years, high school was pretty rough. My mom was in a really bad place. My mom got real depressed when I turned. My grandma passed away when I was 11.


So the years between the years of 9 to 11, my mom started getting depression as my grandma was getting sicker. So through high school, my mom was insanely depressed and I would watch her stay up for three days, not able to sleep and go on this cleaning binge and then she's out for two weeks depressed in her room and I just sat there, I've always been very observant. And I remember just sitting there and observing, like why does this happen to her? What is she doing that's bringing this on?


Because she's attracting it, even as a teenager, I was like, she's attracting this into her life. What is she doing? Because I'm going to do the exact opposite of whatever that is. So I knew what I didn't want. I knew what I saw. And I knew that didn't feel good. It didn't look good. She hated her life. And I'm like, there's so much more to live for. So then fast forward a few more years. And my mom actually committed suicide when I was 19. My sister was almost 13. It was just about six weeks before her 13th birthday.


Kiera Dent (16:24.696)



Tiffanie (16:45.413)

So I've been raising my sister. So it was kind of an easy slide, right? But still a really traumatic, hard thing to go through at 19 years old, 19 and almost 13. So.


Kiera Dent (16:49.088)



Tiffanie (16:58.009)

I had to do it. I had to do the hard things. And I had a choice. And I remember sitting in my mom's room. And I remember sitting there thinking, what the heck? How is this even possible that this is where I'm sitting right now? And I was so angry. And I was like, how could you do this? She's 13. I was like, I had 19 years with you. She had hardly anything. And I remember sitting there thinking, OK, there's two things that I can do here. I can sit here and wallow more.


and be angry and try to understand something that I'm never going to comprehend ever. Even if I were to get depressed, I'm still not gonna comprehend. I don't know where her brain was. So I can sit here and wallow, or I can get my butt up out of this chair. I can clean up this house, make it look new, so that when my sister gets back, I sent her away, so when my sister gets back, it's a whole new place for her and we get to start our lives on the foot that I want our lives to be on. So I stood up.


And I got to work. I got friends over. We cleaned the house out. We made it new. We made it fresh. And we started our lives together. So at 19, my whole life trajectory changed. And I say that because I want you guys to understand that even in the hardest places, the saddest spaces of life, there is always a choice and a controllable factor. And my.


intuitive nature is to look for the controllable factor. And I have worked with so many practices. I had this, I literally just like three hours ago was on a manager's meeting with some managers I've been working with. Gosh, we counted today, I think it's like five and a half years we've been working with them. I love them so much.


Kiera Dent (18:42.414)

It's awesome.


Tiffanie (18:45.361)

And they're like, gosh, Tiff, what do I do? What do I do? And I'm like, you guys, this is what we just talked about two months ago on our managers meeting. This is your controllable factors. And their eyes just lit up. They're like, oh my gosh, you're right. When you get stuck in a rut and they were in this associate onboarding rut, it's typically because there's too many factors that we feel are out of control.


And so you've got to take a look at it and pull out the pieces that are controllable. So I've got another doctor that I talked to just thereafter that's like, I had a manager quit. I'm like, okay, cool. Well, then she wasn't for you. Somebody else will be. What are the controllable factors? You are typically the most controllable factor in any given situation. If you can figure out how you want to show up, if you can figure out what you want the end result to be.


Now, you can guide yourself to get there. You cannot control the people around you. You can only control yourself. So what part can you pick out to control? Find that even if it's a small, it could just be, I'm going to get out of bed today. You controlled that. You got out of bed. No one forced you to do it. You did it yourself, and you're telling yourself that you are worth it. That's how I.


Kiera Dent (19:51.105)



Tiffanie (20:00.561)

Like I know there was a lot in there. There's a lot of ton of pop guys. And I gave you like a quick rundown of a crazy life, but.


That's how I do it. I literally every single day look for those controlable factors and I train my doctors to do the same. My team members, my office managers, I train you guys all to do the same. I work with practices constantly on this exact thing because I truly don't believe that you can have culture if you don't know who you are. You don't know what makes you valuable or what makes the culture of your life. What's the culture of your home and your life?


you showing up because that's what you're bringing to the office too. If at home you're looking for the negative, you're harping on your spouse, your kids are angry with you and you're unhappy at home, how are you supposed to have a really cool culture and a vibe that attracts amazing people at your practice?


Kiera Dent (20:56.846)

Tiff, that was so touching and I appreciate you sharing. I don't think we've ever shared live your personal life. And I just always look at you with awe and just that's why I wanted you to share because I listened to your life and I just think like, gosh, like that's why I wanted Tiff to share this because I know her life and I know her past and I think that that's where I'm like, this is a girl who could show up every day with a grateful filter.


Tiffanie (21:04.073)

think so.


Kiera Dent (21:26.618)

with that, like controlling the controllables. And I think it's just something where, I feel like Tip just gave you all a good like kick in the bootay of like get up and start controlling your controllables. If your marriage isn't where you want it to be, fix that. If your body and your health and your weight is not where you want it to be, fix that. If your practice is not where you want it to be, fix that. If your overhead and profitability is not where you want it to be, fix that. That's you. And if you don't know how to do it, hire a coach.


Like there's so many resources out there that you really have no excuse. And when I hear a girl whose mom committed suicide, which wasn't her fault, which she has nothing to do with. Realize in that moment, I can either sit here and complain and blame, or I can take ownership and fix what I can fix. I can't change it. I can't fix it. I can't, I can't change the fact that my mom just left, but what I can fix is this right here right now and how I show up.


And so that was really, I just felt like I had no clue where Tiff would take this. I just know as someone that I've watched for years show up constantly in a positive state, but that took training, that took decision, that took decisiveness and that took ownership. And so for all of you, whatever your crux is, maybe it is that you're totally grateful, but you've got this junk culture and it's because you're allowing that and you're on the outside happy, but on the inside, you're truly miserable. That's truly coming through. And so it's like work through that, figure it out.


I love what we do in coaching because like Tiff said, it's we teach mindset and personal life, and we teach tacticals of how to do it. And at the end of the day, a lot of times we don't know how to do this. I have a coach, Tiff has a coach. We have coaches that help us with this mindset and with growing that mindset, because like we said at the very beginning, mindset's 80% of this, 20% is a tactical skill. And so Tiff, I just appreciate you and my life and for what you bring to the podcast of.


I feel like if Tiff can do it and I see Tiffany news, but it's not like she's doing it out of guilt or begrudging or any it's truly genuine. She makes a choice of this is the life I want to live and she recognizes she could have a different life. But that's not like she wants and she's not willing to I feel like it's like her must is my life is going to be amazing no matter what comes through. And so that's the filter no matter what comes through I'm choosing to have an incredible life. Life is happening for me and not to me.


Kiera Dent (23:42.826)

And that's the filter you have, which I think is a beautiful example to team members, to doctors, to spouses, whomever's listening today, whomever saw this, that truly you have the choice and you need to get up, you need to show up and you need to fix the problems. Because the second you take ownership for it is the second, just like you realistically, and now this is metaphorically, have a brand new life that's the way you want it to live. And those things can change in an instant.


Your marriage might not get fixed in an instant. Your weight might not change in an instant, but the habits in the person you're becoming can change in an instant on the path to becoming a new person.


Tiffanie (24:20.469)

I totally agree and I think I appreciate you always saying me and I appreciate all of your all of your words because It does mean a lot to me and I think as you're speaking I'm thinking of other pieces to that like tack on top of that How you show up as leader of your practice or as a leader in your family? Like people are looking at you your kids are watching you your spouse is watching you your teams watching you


You're setting the standard and you're setting the bar for what they can expect and for them to reach. So I know my kid is amazing. You guys, I will rave about him constantly even when he's being a bratty 15 year old because he's just incredible and his bar is the same. He doesn't let things get to him. He lets things roll off his shoulders. Kids are mean to him at school and he's like that was a weird thing for you to say and then they're like, oh, okay, and they walk away, right? Like he's like that was odd.


Kiera Dent (25:11.65)



Tiffanie (25:15.097)

And he just carries himself in this way and I watch him and I know his entire existence. My son from day one, I have said, I will be the example of how I want him to show up. I wanna be someone that he can look at as a role model in life on how to have a really happy life. And if his mom isn't happy, if I'm not doing my due diligence to ensure that I'm my best version.


I'm actually doing a disservice to him. So I've also always had a crutch, right? So I've got my sister and then I've got Brody that I'm showing up for, but I've learned in the middle of all of that.


to show up for myself. If I'm not showing up for me, it's impossible for me to show up for them. So keep that in mind too. They're watching you. You wanna change the culture in your practice, you gotta change you. You want the core values to be lived and breathed by your practice, you gotta live and breathe them yourself. And I tell my practices that constantly. You can hang them up on the wall, you guys can read them at morning huddle, you can do whatever you want, but if you're not showing up as those true values, they're not going to either.


Kiera Dent (26:20.858)

Oh, I love it. So guys, take from it what you will. Is this a matter of I need to have the gratitude filters on? I need to add more gratitude in my life because that's what I wanna see. Is it I need to stop the excuses and take ownership for it? Is it that I need to show up for me? Like I might use crutches like Tiff just said, or I realize that I'm worth it and this is how I wanna be. Is it that I need to change the culture of my practice and I'm sick of the excuses and blaming and I'm finally gonna take ownership and realize where am I not showing up for it? Whatever today resonated with you.


do it. Take the action, do it, find the way to see the gratitude in life because I do believe that no matter where you are, that it's beautiful and it can be the most incredible journey if you choose to look at it that way. So if we can help you, I think sometimes you do need like a coach who's not going to lie to you, who's going to call you out, like who's going to say, do you need a hug right now or a kick in the bootay because you're giving a lot of excuses and it's a hundred percent you and let's find a solution to fix this for good. Reach out.


Hello at thedenaliateam.com or book a strategy call guys. You will get free strategy even if we don't work with you. So you have no loss. Like I wanted it to be so simple for you to say, hey, I think I'm that person, which I will give you massive kudos right now, but that takes humility and grace and courage to stand up and say, I need help. I can't do this on my own. And I know there's a better, easier way. And I know you guys have done it and done it successfully and I'm going to reach out. That takes guts.


That takes courage. Like I don't care what you're doing on your PNL. I don't care about any of that. That takes courage. So if you're that person, I give you a massive kudos and I'm going to welcome you with big open arms and a good kick in the bootay because you need that. And that's why you're reaching out. So reach out. Hello at the dental team.com. Spiffy tippy. We need to podcast more because it was beautiful today. And I just appreciate you for who you are and for sharing today. It was truly lovely.


Tiffanie (28:02.569)

I agree.


Tiffanie (28:07.665)

Well, thank you for having me. I love doing these with you and I agree. Shelby, get it on the schedule.


Kiera Dent (28:12.25)

Yeah, shelves, we need this. All right, for all of you listening, thanks for listening and we'll catch you next time on the Dental Eat Team podcast. Well, TT, you didn't even cry. I cried.


Tiffanie (28:23.414)

I know that was hard. Actually, it was like right on the tip.



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