Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


Episode 560: What Is Magic?

Aug 09, 2022

The Dental A-Team is made up of consultants with front office, clinical, and leadership expertise who are here for your practice to make it the best it can be! In this episode, Kiera talks about...

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Episode 511: Tax Time: Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck

Apr 14, 2022

Question: How do I go about tackling my taxes in a smart way?

Derick Van Ness, founder and wealth strategist at Big Life Financial, is back because … it’s tax time! In this episode,...

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Episode 510: Easily Adding Adjunct Services

Apr 13, 2022

Question: Too many projects on your practice’s plate?

The Dental A-Team traveling consultants have been in many practices lately that are looking to introduce new projects and skill sets to...

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Episode 508: Is Your Practice Struggling with Collections and AR?

Apr 07, 2022

Question: Want an idea of what it’s like to have the Dental A-Team in your practice?

Tiff is on the pod to chat with Kiera about an office she just visited which needed some attention on its...

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Episode 507: Communicating About Communication

Apr 06, 2022

Question: Is your practice like a lot of practices out there — is communication a struggle?

Kiera is joined by Brit! The Dental A-Team is hearing a lot about practices’ struggles with...

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Episode 489: Implementing a HEALTHY Bonus Structure

Feb 23, 2022

Question: What are the pros and cons of bonuses, and which way should I lean?

Bonuses: There’s a good side and a bad side. (You may be surprised where Kiera falls.)

In this episode, Kiera...

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Episode 464: Break That Negative Morale!

Dec 28, 2021

Listeners, stop sticking your head in the sand about the negative morale in your practice! Kiera gets real in this episode and encourages fellow Dental A-Team members to recognize, know their role,...

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Episode 462: Get Tax Savvy

Dec 22, 2021

Derick Van Ness, founder and wealth strategist of Big Life Financial, is here to make tax-talk interesting! He joins Kiera to educate listeners about tax efficiency, and specifically research and...

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Episode 455: How to Boost Team Morale

Dec 07, 2021

Boosting morale in your office doesn’t need to be extravagant, but it does need to be intentional. Kiera and Brit discuss what your office can do to create lasting happiness in your practice....

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453: Get Your Party On

Dec 01, 2021

Episode 453: Get Your Party On

It’s the most wonderful time of the year … holiday work parties and bonuses! Kiera takes some time to talk about successes she’s had in celebrating...

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