Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


273: Is Your Practice Bursting at the Seams?

Oct 08, 2020

It’s office autopsy time! Kiera shares insight for a practice she visits, one that is specifically “bursting at the seams” of its work capability. Kiera walks through the specs of...

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272: What Your Office Should Focus On Now

Oct 07, 2020

It’s a crossover episode! Kiera joins The Dentist Money Show with Ryan Isaac to talk about looking ahead six to 12 months, and what practices should be focusing on. COVID-19 has absolutely...

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271: Stop Holding Your Team Back!

Oct 06, 2020

Kiera is joined by Kim Creer, office manager for a dental practice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In Kiera’s words, Kim is one of the most incredible office managers ever — and Kim spills...

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270: Embrace the Suck

Oct 01, 2020

Kiera and Tiffanie have some tough love for you: It’s time to accept that life can suck, but it doesn’t mean you get to have a bad attitude about it. The DAT duo share tips on shifting...

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268: Are People Sticky to You?

Sep 29, 2020

It’s time to learn about what it’s like having the Dental A-Team as a part of your practice. Kiera is joined by DAT traveling consultant Ashley Dorn and one of Ashley’s practice...

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262: You Need the Help

Sep 15, 2020

Dr. Summer Kassmel and Kiera are here today to talk to you about the difference between a personal assistant and executive assistant, and why you definitely need the help. Not sold on your need for...

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255: Learn to Pivot, Not Endure

Sep 01, 2020

Dr. Summer Kassmel is back!

It’s been a minute since we’ve heard from one of our top podcast guests, but in this episode she’s back and as wonderful as ever! Dr. Kassmel and Kiera...

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237: Chart Audits: A Gold Mine

Jul 21, 2020

The Dental A-Team has more gold for your practice today … this time with chart audits!

Silence your groans, folks — we know they can seem like an unnecessary detail. Kiera’s been...

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