Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


420: The Greatest Expense For Your Practice

Sep 15, 2021

As it turns out, the fanciest equipment or prettiest real estate doesn’t equal the best dental practice. What does? The people who work there! In this episode, Kiera talks human capital and...

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419: Donā€™t Let Your Patients Leave Without Doing This!

Sep 14, 2021

Happy Hygiene Month! The Dental A-Team is continuing to focus on a new system each month. Today’s topic is about hygiene reappointment, but the tips can be applied to other areas in the...

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418: Your Team Members Are the Avengers

Sep 09, 2021

If you could be any of the Avengers, who would you be? That question was asked of Kiera, Tiffanie, and Brittany in this episode (listen to find out their answers). Fan of superheroes or not,...

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417: Solutions During the Hygienist Drought!

Sep 08, 2021

Kiera is forecasting a two-year hygiene drought. You know what that means? It’s time to think outside the box to keep your practice humming! In this Dental A-Team podcast episode, Kiera...

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415: What Ifā€¦ No Rules

Sep 02, 2021

This episode is the perfect follow-up to episode 409, “Yes, … and?” In it, Kiera challenges listeners to use the What If? method to solve problems and come up with amazing ideas....

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414: How To Be a Savvy Dentist

Sep 01, 2021

We hope you like Australian accents, because this episode is full of ‘em! Kiera joins the Savvy Dentist podcast’s Dr. Jesse Green to discuss recruitment challenges, what work-life...

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413: Maximized Appointment Times

Aug 31, 2021

Do you find your appointments running over? Or that they just don’t feel productive? Today’s Dental A-Team episode teaches you how to get your patients the best bang for their buck at...

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412: Choose Your Hard

Aug 26, 2021

Kiera is joined by Dental A-Team superstars Tiff and Brittany to talk about hard things! The trio discusses how to best tackle problems (at the beginning) to make everyone’s life easier down...

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411: Office Autopsy: 3 to 12 Operatories

Aug 25, 2021

The people have spoken: Office autopsy episodes are our listeners’ favorite! Kiera navigates an office that went from three operatories to 12 operatories with the Dental A-Team by its side....

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410: Enhancing Communication

Aug 24, 2021

Are you like Kiera, who sometimes struggles to see the return on investment of relationships with others?

Or are you like Tiff, who thrives on friendships?

Today’s episode has the pair...

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