Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


Episode 467: Goals for Yourself, Your Team, and Your Practice

Jan 04, 2022

Kiera is joined by Dental A-Team consultant Dana Morsell to talk about setting goals for 2022! The two give advice on what makes a successful goal, what types of goals offices tend to set, how...

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Episode 466: The Possibilities Are Endless in 2022

Dec 30, 2021

Happy New Year, fam! In this episode Kiera is kicking off your new year in a magical way. She guides listeners through an activity that’ll set each department in your practice up for success...

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Episode 465: What the Heck is Egoscue?

Dec 29, 2021

Brian Bradley, vice president at The Egoscue Method, joins the Dental A-Team podcast to relieve some pain. Just like dental practices encourage patients to brush and floss, Brian is here to...

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Episode 464: Break That Negative Morale!

Dec 28, 2021

Listeners, stop sticking your head in the sand about the negative morale in your practice! Kiera gets real in this episode and encourages fellow Dental A-Team members to recognize, know their role,...

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Episode 463: Be Proud of Your Year

Dec 23, 2021

Whatever you celebrate, happy holidays! Kiera reflects on what this past year has meant, the wins she’s had, and thinks about what the new year will bring. She also encourages listeners to...

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Episode 462: Get Tax Savvy

Dec 22, 2021

Derick Van Ness, founder and wealth strategist of Big Life Financial, is here to make tax-talk interesting! He joins Kiera to educate listeners about tax efficiency, and specifically research and...

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Episode 461: Words to Get Results

Dec 21, 2021

Episode 461: Words to Get Results

We’re rounding out the year by sharing phrases that’ll get your patients saying YES! The Dental A-Team has put a ton of time into figuring out what...

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Episode 460: Your Billing Playbook

Dec 16, 2021

 Josh Smith, co-founder of Dental ClaimSupport, is here to tell you what’s going on in the dental billing world (and even makes it sound exciting)! Josh and Kiera go through a slew of...

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Episode 459: β€˜Tis the Season … for Vacation!

Dec 15, 2021

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and people like to enjoy it by taking time off. 

And that’s okay! Kiera discusses why vacations are so important for both those taking...

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Episode 458: Have Yourself a Miracle Morning!

Dec 14, 2021

 Kiera is inviting you to have the best morning ever … every single day. How could this be possible? By setting up a miracle morning, or a set structure, for yourself! Kiera shares how...

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