Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


387: Ask Yourself: What’s Next?

Jun 30, 2021

It’s been a minute since Ashley Keith was on the podcast, but boy are we glad she’s back! Ashley wears many, many hats as chief operating officer for Keith + Associates Dentistry, and...

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386: What is REALLY Motivating You?

Jun 29, 2021

Jeffrey Shaw is once again on the podcast, this time to talk about his book, The Self-Employed Life! Kiera and Jeffrey run through highlights of the book, including what success really means, how...

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384: Fill Those Hygiene Holes!

Jun 23, 2021

Is your practice coming up on its hygiene cycle, where routine care is jam-packing the schedule? Kiera and Tiffanie trade tips on how offices can spread out the love of busy times so September,...

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383: How to Shorten Exam Times AND Keep Value

Jun 22, 2021

Did you know the right hand-off can efficiently shorten up doctor’s time in an exam? This concept blows the idea that time equates value right out of the water. Kiera shares the ICRP hand-off...

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382: What and How to Delegate- Nitty Gritty

Jun 17, 2021

Ah, the forever art of delegation. If you think you’ve mastered this, think again! In this episode, Kiera talks why we so often avoid delegating, how to know what to delegate, and how to...

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381: Systemization: Where to Start?

Jun 16, 2021

This one’s for all the system folks out there! Heck, it’s for the non-system folks, too, because Kiera’s here to share how to start getting your practice organized!

First, know...

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380: Flipping the Script on “Not Enough Time”

Jun 15, 2021

“But [insert supervisor’s name here], I just don’t have the time to do that!”

Aha! The Dental A-Team is here with the solutions to being more productive and efficient with...

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378: Are You Adding the Magic?

Jun 09, 2021

It’s time for company retreat talk! Planning a get-away for your entire team outside the office allows everyone to bond in a different way. Kiera shares her plans for the Dental A-Team...

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376: Becoming a Student of Leadership

Jun 03, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the Dental A-Team’s FIRST male consultant! It’s Hunter Christensen! Kiera and Hunter use the podcast to discuss leadership in the dental industry...

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375: Self-Employment- Foolproof Ideas for Success

Jun 02, 2021

This episode is chicken noodle soup for the soul. Jeffrey Shaw is back on the podcast, this time joining Kiera to talk about self-employment, its challenges, and how to overcome the hurdles. Press...

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