Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


413: Maximized Appointment Times

Aug 31, 2021

Do you find your appointments running over? Or that they just don’t feel productive? Today’s Dental A-Team episode teaches you how to get your patients the best bang for their buck at...

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412: Choose Your Hard

Aug 26, 2021

Kiera is joined by Dental A-Team superstars Tiff and Brittany to talk about hard things! The trio discusses how to best tackle problems (at the beginning) to make everyone’s life easier down...

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411: Office Autopsy: 3 to 12 Operatories

Aug 25, 2021

The people have spoken: Office autopsy episodes are our listeners’ favorite! Kiera navigates an office that went from three operatories to 12 operatories with the Dental A-Team by its side....

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410: Enhancing Communication

Aug 24, 2021

Are you like Kiera, who sometimes struggles to see the return on investment of relationships with others?

Or are you like Tiff, who thrives on friendships?

Today’s episode has the pair...

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409: β€œYes ... and?”

Aug 19, 2021

Are there any problems in your practice? Even the most fine-tuned practices have them, so we know your answer. In this episode of the Dental A-Team podcast, Kiera shares how your team can work...

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408: Shifting Our Expectations of Others

Aug 18, 2021

Welcome to Zach Scott, the Dental A-Team’s newest employee! Zach is part of the sales and customer success team, and shares his mindset about leadership and growing others with Kiera....

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407: WWDD: What Would Doctor Do?

Aug 17, 2021

It’s tee-time! Not for golfers, but for doctors! This episode is a dive into teeing up doctor treatment. By mastering this practice, you’re creating less stress for your team AND...

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406: Where & When to Get Your Best Ideas

Aug 12, 2021

This episode is about YOU as a person, and balancing out your mind. Within your inevitably super busy life, Kiera encourages you to allow yourself quiet, thinking time each week. Taking 30 minutes...

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405: Meeting Of The Minds

Aug 11, 2021

We’re talkin’ traction! That’s right, the famed traction meetings are the topic of this episode. Remember: Traction meetings help reduce overhead, turn higher production goals,...

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404: Easy Diagnosis

Aug 10, 2021

This episode is all things x-rays and how great they can really be. Kiera breaks down x-rays by department — front office, hygienists, and doctors. And speaking of doctors, don’t be...

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