Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


Episode 633: How to Have the Hard Conversations

Jan 25, 2023

 Tiff and Dana are back for another consultant takeover. In this episode, they talk about having hard conversations — the right way. They review step-by-step tips of how to prepare and...

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Episode 604: Signs Your Practice is Successful

Nov 17, 2022

Many dental practices are toeing the line of success and struggle these days. Because the Dental A-Team is visiting so many practices, the consultants are seeing a theme emerge of what sets these...

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Episode 588: Management Mastery & Leadership

Oct 12, 2022

This is week one of 12 systems you should baseline by the end of this year, to get your practice ready for 2023. Kiera and Spiffy Tiffy break down the difference between management and leadership...

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Episode 551: Leaders, You Need to Decide

Jul 19, 2022

Brit and Kiera are throwing down some truths in this podcast episode, which is all about making a decision as a leader. The two get honest about their experiences with leaders (good and bad), and...

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240: Peeling Back the Curtain

Jul 28, 2020

There’s two sides of leadership: talking the talk and walking the walk. When it comes to your leadership style, are you the same person behind the scenes and in person? To satisfy both sides...

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