Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


Episode 762: The Perfect Morning Huddle

Nov 22, 2023

Tiff and Britt detail how to perfectly prep each day at your practice through the art of morning huddles. They give advice on what needs to be reviewed, what should’ve been done yesterday,...

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Episode 710: More Purpose For Your Morning Huddles

Jul 25, 2023

 In need of all-encompassing morning huddles? In this episode, Tiff and Britt provide tips on what the back office should be touching on each day, including outstanding treatment,...

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Episode 684: How To Keep Monotony Out of Your Morning Huddles

May 24, 2023

 Tiff and Dana are giving tips for having strong and fun morning huddles every single day. They break down tactical pieces (strategies, goals, busy-time prep) and good culture opportunities to...

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211: Spice Up Your Morning Huddles

May 21, 2020

Need a little excitement or inspiration in your morning meetings? Kiera delivers! In this episode, she talks about the reason for huddles in the first place — to come together to win the day!...

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