Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


307: Increase Your Revenue and Lower Overhead

Dec 29, 2020

Want to bump revenue from $1.25 million to $2 million and drop overhead by 10%? Then listen to this office autopsy! Kiera shares a success story she’s had in an anonymous office and spills...

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305: Grow Your Practice How You Want To

Dec 23, 2020

Picture this: A well-loved doctor whose practice is bursting at the seams, 100 new patients a month, and three hygienists. Something needs to change to accommodate the growth, but what will it be?...

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304: Office Autopsy: The Story Behind the Success

Dec 22, 2020

Office autopsies are back! In these episodes, Kiera explains the exact prescription applied by the Dental A-Team to an individual practice to get them to hero status! The practice shared...

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302: Be Proactive With Your Mental Health

Dec 16, 2020

In this very special Dental A-Team podcast episode, Kiera is joined by Taylor James, host of The Waffle Shop podcast, to discuss mental health.

Suicide and mental challenges are especially...

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301: Pocket Full of … Efficiency Hacks!

Dec 15, 2020

Efficiency — we love it, we want it, and this episode is all about it! Kiera shares tips on finding those pockets of time that you can streamline to make patient visits go way more smoothly....

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300: Rain or Shine, Don’t Quit

Dec 10, 2020

WOW, we are 300 episodes into this journey! Thank you to all our Dental A-Team family members — old and new. As Kiera reflects on what it’s taken to be consistent with a...

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299: Attack of the Assistants

Dec 09, 2020

If you had 100 extra hours of time each year, what would you do? Well, we have an idea of how to get you more freedom: hiring an assistant! Don’t believe us? Start by time journaling out your...

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298: How-to Holiday Parties in 2020

Dec 08, 2020

Try as it might, COVID-19 canNOT ruin holiday cheer! This episode will inspire you to host the best holiday party this year, even if it’s virtual. If you recall, the Dental A-Team is a...

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297: What’s Your Purpose Framework?

Dec 03, 2020

Why are you the way you are? No, really: What is your WHY? What is the need in your life? In this episode, Kiera encourages Dental A-Team family members to understand why they are the way they are...

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296: Unveiling the Art of Negotiating Fee Schedules

Dec 02, 2020

Sarah O’Brien is back to talk fee schedules! Here, she shares with Kiera what it means to negotiate a fee schedule, how often it should happen, and the secrets of getting an increase across...

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