Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


440: 3 Tips to Hiring Your Unicorn

Nov 02, 2021

Is your practice struggling with the Great Resignation of 2021? Have no fear — the Dental A-Team is here! In this episode, Kiera gets specific on the steps you need to take to hire the best...

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439: How To Merge Small Practices Into Large Ones

Oct 28, 2021

Kiera is joined by Dr. Dave Moghadam! This episode is a treasure trove of info. Dr. Moghadam shares his experience with smaller practices merging into his larger one. His journey is an...

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438: Can Too Many New Patients Be a Bad Thing?

Oct 27, 2021

Does the title have your eyebrows raised? We know it’s an interesting question, but our answer is YES. Too many new patients can be bad, bad, bad for your business. Kiera explains why in this...

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437: Are You Stuck in Reaction Mode?

Oct 26, 2021

Listen, we know your days are busy. Ours are too! But this episode helps you work through the craziness of life to start getting the important stuff done. Kiera shares four tips to master time:

  1. ...

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436: Tackling Adding New Comprehensive Dentistry

Oct 21, 2021

Dr. Erin Elliott is on the podcast! Dr. Elliott is an absolute pro in the sleep apnea world, and in this episode she and Kiera discuss comprehensive dentistry and how to best introduce new skills...

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435: Infuse Your Practice with Great Culture

Oct 20, 2021

Is your team still trying to overcome the Covid Crank? Or just continual bad moods in the workplace? Kiera is here to give tips on improving the culture in your office. She suggests defining the...

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434: Quarterly Meetings: 90-Day Sprint Plans

Oct 19, 2021

Continuing on our journey of meetings this month … It’s time to talk quarterly meetings! Kiera shares the basic blueprints for setting up these meetings, basically 90-day sprint plans,...

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433: Cut Down Insurance Verification Time

Oct 14, 2021

Kiera’s here to share how to verify insurance the tried and true, Dental A-Team-approved way! DAT consultants have been to a lot of offices lately, and have seen that many teams are fumbling...

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432: Book Club! Inspire Your Mind Every Day

Oct 13, 2021

Kiera’s got the goods: It’s time for a book club episode! Check out the books below to find inspiration for your life, personally and professionally.

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431: Is Your Team Aligned?

Oct 12, 2021

Tiff is here! She joins Kiera to talk about an incredible important topic: weekly meetings. Now stick with us — we know this isn’t the funnest topic, but these meetings are so...

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