Tune Into the Dental A Team Podcast!

If you are a dentist or dental practice team member, this podcast is for you! Join Kiera Dent as she shares first hand knowledge on what it takes to create a wildly successful dental practice!


319: To Write a Fee Off or Not, That is the Question

Jan 21, 2021

Today’s topic is a listener-fueled answer! Yup, if you have a question, the Dental A-Team has an answer, and sometimes that answer is an entire podcast episode! Listener Amanda asked about...

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318: Building Your Momentum

Jan 20, 2021

Wanna know a secret to moving forward positively in your personal and professional success? You immerse yourself in inspiring spheres of influence! This episode talks about proximity as power...

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317: 8 Books to Unify Your Team in 2021

Jan 19, 2021

It’s time for … book club! Yup, Kiera is back with her latest read recommendations. These books are just for a good time — they’re full of good ideas that you can instill...

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315: Organize Your Life + Practice With These Apps

Jan 13, 2021

In search of some stellar programs to keep your practice organized this year? Kiera is sharing successful options the Dental A-Team has found like Basecamp, Trello, ClickUp (our current fave), and...

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313: Job vs. Career, Room for Growth, & Best Tips to Advance

Jan 07, 2021

The Dental A-Team is joined by Naomi Cooper, marketing and strategic advisory dental extraordinaire with 20 years in the industry! Naomi discusses with Kiera the difference between doing your job...

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312: Office Autopsy- Where Do You Want to Be in 6 Months?

Jan 06, 2021

Office autopsies — our listeners love ‘em! In today’s office, Kiera shares the background of an office with seven locations and 80 employees and the six-month journey to achieve a...

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311: How to Stop Cancellations

Jan 05, 2021

Got 12 minutes to stop cancellations in your office? This episode is the one for you! Kiera shares tips on how to stop people from canceling their appointment. Especially if they’re not...

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310: How Lucky We Are

Jan 01, 2021

We may not be the very first, but we mean it fully: HAPPY NEW YEAR, DENTAL A-TEAM!

Not to beat a dead horse, but boy are we glad to be out of 2020. In this quick episode, Kiera shares a dose of...

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309: 7 Steps to Maximize Your Launch into 2021

Dec 31, 2020

Yes, it’s time to reflect, but it’s also time to blast off into the new year! Kiera walks through the steps to take to prep your 2021 goals. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Look...

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308: How to Save Patients From Bad Dentistry

Dec 30, 2020

Cody Butler — business coach and marketing expert — joins Kiera to talk about all things marketing (and what your practice can implement to stop leaving money on the table). Cody has...

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